Throwing Jezza under his own campaign bus

I see someone in the Labour part is reported in the press today as saying they'll get rid of Jezza as leader if it means they can enter into a coalition and form a government.  Always good to know your colleagues have got your back and won't throw you under your own bus.

This is good.

Labour have no chance of a majority, so this means that vote labour get the tories out but also the threat of Jezza stealing your monies is shite.



Jellymonster26 Nov 19 11:25

This is good.

Labour have no chance of a majority, so this means that vote labour get the tories out but also the threat of Jezza stealing your monies is shite.


Lol @ the idea the that the Marxist philosophy behind Labour's manifesto comes entirely from Corbyn. Nobody said anything about McDonnell being replaced.

Sadly, the problem is not really Corbo himself but the entire leadership cadre of the Labour Party who are a bunch of deluded wannabe Leninist revolutionaries who misguidedly think urban Britain is so awful that it would be improved by a hugely disruptive complete change of everything.  

Many of them would be happy to shoot people to achieve this victory.  Existing laws and customs are their especial hate and particularly centrists and moderates of any kind.  

Just awful, ignorant gobshites who think they are special and have the answers through proposing simplistic sloganeering about reforms to complex systems.  

Completely agree LA. McDonnell is the one with the crazy ideas. Corbyn is just nasty on a personal level - who else in this election is embracing hatred as enthusiastically as he? All that welcoming hatred, bring it on, in his manifesto launch.

Why does nobody seem to understand that a Corbyn led coalition will be capable of nothing major - all it will be able to do is deliver a referendum following which Labour will either have to replace Corbyn or call a general election.     If you want to stop Brexit, please don't let fear of Corbyn extremism stop you voting tactically for Labour.  It is simply not rational.  The real threat is a no deal brexit at the end of the year.

"Many of them would be happy to shoot people to achieve this victory."

This is just about the most serious allegation you could make against a politician - I assume you must have evidence for this before posting?

The simple truth is that if any party gets an outright majority this country will be royally fooked.


Tories can get an outright majority.
Labour cannot, nor can Lib Dems.

So vote against the tories, for a coalition or confidence and supply which is likely solve the issues and will hobble any of the more batshit policies.

Corbyn must be aware it is him harming Labour's chances.

Was idly wondering this morning if he could be persuaded to step down for the greater good and if they could do a 'health issue, stepping down with immediate effect' then they would storm the election.

but then the deputy leader is still technically Tom Watson and Seumus Milne is as shitty as Spaffing Dom...

Labour is fvcked in the view of the electorate whilst at least any combination of some or all of:

- antisemitism charges/cases continue / remain unaddressed


- Corbyn

- McDonnell

- Milne

(above 3 on Momentum grounds, plus Labour will need to be genuinely purged of Momentum influence and numbers to the satisfaction of the majority of the electorate before that changes)

- Watson

(on to date unanswered for abuse of position over PaedoFinderGeneral grounds)

- Blair

- Mandelson

(above 2 on various grounds, some still emerging)

remain in any position of influence or active connection to the Labour Party.

Reality is Labour will probably only get into government again when all of the above are history and definitely gone / without influence. A shiny-suited nu-Blair like Andy Burnham (who's been biding his time well out of all of it in Manchester - but in doing so might well be seen to just be another career politician biding their time) may come in but if so they'll just be tainted by the Blairite/Brown connections.


Blair's hated by most and viewed negatively by almost everyone now and no-one who's view is worth a sh1te or more wants him back, m8.

Given your other views this is just confirmation about you though.

Blair, Brown, Heseltine, Major, Starmer, Grieve, Clegg, Ed Davey, Tugendhat, Rory Stewart ........ 

All available.  All better than either Corbyn or Johnson by a country mile.