A thread to cheer us all up.

What do you think about when you’re low to make you feel better. Is it raindrops on roses or whiskers on kittens?


Thinking about how flipping miserable I was before I retired.  Then, turning over and going back to sleep.  Waking up again with bird song and chattering school children.  Joy on earth.

TBF, Mr G, my mum and dad and Young G all have the capability to make me feel much better (and also much worse, depending on things). Stroking Gwendog is very soothing as is watching the birds in our garden. I am generally quite a happy, placid bunny.

My other half

My children (various)

The lamentations of my enemies.  

Cats. Dogs (but in a very controlled way, I wouldn't actually want one)

Devon/the beach
