Things you have successfully decided or persuaded yourself not to worry about

An important and interesting topic, this.


What other people think

Foods and drinks that are considered healthy or ethical

Laws and rules that I don't agree with

Work ethic or the notion that I owe any kind of duty to my enslaver

turbulence is nothing... I was on a flight into Gatwick once and the pilot said we were delayed landing due to lightning, almost as soon as he finished BANG... we were struck.  Almost found my catholicism again..

My fence is broken at the back of the garden. I tied it up with some washing line about four years ago. It's not attractive but it's only the neighbours who have to look at it. 

Caring about what others think, because I have never given a flyingfuc kabout what other cun tsthink

Working hard and earning a living so one can have a house, family and cars in the drive

Being a productive member of society; it's better to live off the backs of others and the State and not being worried about the stigma about so-called 'handouts; if people are legally entitled to them they should claim; ditto getting food bank referrals and fuel vouchers. Apply for them.

Working in law; I no longer do and the 'industry' has such a high attrition rate for those struggling to enter the profession or trying to maintain one's place in it. Give it up and do something else. Working in Tesco would pay more than in a Legal Aid shop.

Being regarded as a failure; I do my own thing; see first remark above.

Earning a living legitimately and declaring all income to the Revenue. We should be like the Italians. 

Being civil to everyone I meet, no matter how awful they are. No, if someone is being an absolute cun tI'll tell them to their face that they're a purra cuunus.

What was written about the Royals in Endgame.

Celebs in the jungle, dancing etc etc. Celebs full stop, what they wear, what MH issues they have, the abuse they suffered in childhood, what they eat, what diet fad they are on, what medication they take for whatever condition they are suffering from, their nepo kids, who they are sleeping with, that they come out as polysexual or gender queer. 


With many others on here


What others think

Work (still not quite there but getting there compared to when i was younger)

But things I have recently started worry about



People that say that they don’t care what others think

What does this mean in practice?

We get older and more experienced and confident, but are you really saying you don’t care what friends, family, neighbours or colleagues think or say? At all? 

Most people want to fit in, in my experience. And therefore I believe that many people that have ceased actively pursuing approval have simply learnt how to act in a way which basically guarantees sufficient quantities of it, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t care 

That said, I demonstrably don’t care what other people think or say 



Not gonna happen. On the other hand its my own fault for spending a decade watching my kids grow up, habing fun and roffing instead of work.

I shall continue to do versions of the same strategy until I expire.

"Most people want to fit in, in my experience. And therefore I believe that many people that have ceased actively pursuing approval have simply learnt how to act in a way which basically guarantees sufficient quantities of it, but this doesn’t mean that they don’t care 

That said, I demonstrably don’t care what other people think or say 


Quite the opposite 

Be your own person and they will accept you or not

That's the point 

"People who judge others for having money, a personalized number plate, BTLs, great arms."

Got Cucked calls me a council estate chav for these (which I am) but nice to know he embraces my culture 

Loads of things fall into this category, but it depends what other acute worries I have at any given time.

If I have a massive deadline, I can spend weeks not worrying about anything else. Then once it’s past I then notice big dangers that I hadn’t given a moment’s thought to for aaaages.

“Celebs in the jungle, dancing etc etc. Celebs full stop, what they wear, what MH issues they have, the abuse they suffered in childhood, what they eat, what diet fad they are on, what medication they take for whatever condition they are suffering from, their nepo kids, who they are sleeping with, that they come out as polysexual or gender queer. ”


Plus I don’t give a fvck about ‘fitting in’. People desperate for this and obsessed with the approval of others are utter tedes. Utter tedes. They suck the life from you. The neurosis kills all real discussion and debate.

Read some decent books you utter peasants 

Fitting in is the biggest swindle out there. People waste decades on it. One positive coming out the new global axis of trans-wokery is that deviancy has become cool. Granted, one shouldn't worry about being cool either but it remains an advance. 

“How many pull-ups I can do.”

I’ve just started worrying about this. Strength training is important in mid life. Ordering several grand’s worth of gym stuff this week.

Diet too as Guy speaketh

People who judge others for having money, a personalized number plate, BTLs, great arms.

If that were true, you wouldn’t bang on about it all the time on a message board for attention.

If you can control it - dont worry, do something about it

if you cant control it - you cant do anything about it, so why worry

Ergo - as Bob Marley said, "dont worry 'bout a 'ting"



The state of my car’s interior ( seriously how can anyone go through parenthood and givafeck about this)

The state of my body ( soz ladies I’m off the market 🤣🤣🤣)

The state of my memory for names ( just keep talking, we’ll get there eventually)

The state of my suits , feck that, no.  I genuinely miss my 3 piece lovelies but in the face of zoomlife they just became pointless 😔