Is there a more elegant way to write this sentence?

Your item(s) is (are) being sent by Amazon Logistics

Your Item is Under Delivery from Amazon.


"Amazon" means Amazon Logistics Sarl, its parent entities and any subsidiaries of such parent entities in each case from time to time. 

"Item" includes (without limitation) any one or more item, thing, article, object, bit or bob.

"Under Delivery" means being currently the subject of transportation (including, without limitation, air, sea or land transportation) from one of the places where Amazon has a physical location (but does not pay tax) to the physical location to which you have requested such transportation (and, again, where Amazon does not pay tax).



That'll be $1,500 please.

It’s passive because the recipient is thinking about their order - that’s forefront of their minds so it makes sense to start with “your order” to capture attention.  

I’ve just ordered something exciting, might not even read a sentence that starts with “Amazon Logistics…”

Now I see that most suggestions above are passive. And you ask for proof that law is a second-rate career...

Now I see that you've started a sentence with a conjunction.