the stench of everyday homophobia in which the whole Philip Schofield story is wrapped
Sir Woke XR Re… 29 May 23 16:17
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He’s (((toxic)))! READ: he’s such a bitch in that way that gay men are.

Shows how far we still have to travel m88s.

I agree but he also groomed an 11yr old for years and then diddled him when it was legal. It is possible to think this is extremely dubious behaviour without those thoughts being homophobic. I'd feel the same way if it was any permutation of male/female/other in this situation. 

Yes perfectly possible to believe his behaviour is ick at best without also throwing around right wing tropes and insinuations which the right has been aching to be able to return to.

So turn it on its head and imagine…

It has emerged that Philip BRYAN Schofield, well known Television presenter of twenty years, began an affair with a female sixteen year old trainee while married to his former wife. He had secured work experience for her when fifteen but waited until it was legal to fook her. 

No, that absolutely isn’t the kind of story that would have had the red top editors masturbating furiously. 

This story is about what stories usually feature: their capacity to sell papers. 

It has emerged that Philip BRYAN Schofield, well known Television presenter of twenty years, began an affair with a female sixteen year old trainee while married to his former wife. He had secured work experience for her when fifteen but waited until it was legal to fook her.

yes sadly prodders i think the point is that in the meeja business that would be known as “a thursday”

As someone who HAS advertised in the National newspapers, interestingly Thursday is widely considered to be the best £/1000 readers day for returns. 
Perhaps you meant Tuesday?