Rainy weekend in London with a 4 and 6 year old

Frozen has been shot down because 6 declares she’s too old for it. Clearly she is older than meh but whatevs. 

Anyone got any decent ideas to entertain two little girls in London over the course of a weekend? I’m sure rof will know all of the things 🤞🏼

My twins enjoyed visiting the Natural History Museum when they were 4. 

I'm hoping to visit London again later this year (when they will be 6) and was thinking of trying to visit the Horniman museum which looks quite child friendly (albeit not in central london)

Daughter (now 29) was over from NZ at xmas and we happened to walk past the Rainforest Cafe.  She waxed lyrical about all the happy memories she had of eating there when she was young.



I’m sure she’d love Frozen once in there - it’s excellent, both mine at 4 and 6 loved it. Hard Rock Cafe was fun with them too. 

London aquarium is great followed by giraffe or wagamamma just up on the southbank. 

London Zoo, if it's not too wet?  My lot like the London Eye.

And sod it - Frozen.  And dress up as Elsa.  The 6 year old will secretly love it (or be deeply embarrassed - either way it's a win).

Frozen will set you back a small mortgage 

my kids are 4 and 6

wet or dry - park / playground 

flip out or equivalent soft play 

cinema Always fun and easy 

movie at home with bag of popcorn 

trip to local high street for pizza and babyccino

town-town - we go to Broadway st market / brixton etc and they like walking around, ditto Columbia road - go for pho on kingsland road 

zoo always goes down well. We did aquarium in dec and kids both loved it. 

took nobette to Hockney light rooms and she loved it so that’s a decent option. Barbican always good on a rainy day - nobette liked Alice Neels and they have a family film club sat mornings, turbine hall good for a run about 

kids don’t need much they will be happy just being with you painting nails or colouring at home 

- Planetarium at the Royal Observatory 

- The imaxx at the Science museum is pretty good last time I went. Plus the top floor bit has lots of good interactive bits.

Plus Auntie Meh gets extra bonus points for not being heteronormative. Everyone is a winner. 

Some great recommendations here, thanks guys. I agree we should just do frozen but these children make the decisions generally 😬

Their mum was initially focussed on a sightseeing tour but I’m not sure the kids give a tug unless the sights are covered in cartoon characters… 

London Dungeons is a joke nowadays.

Back when I was 9 it was the sort of place you couldn't take a 4 and 6 year old and tbh I was a bit young for it. Genuinely traumatised but also utterly fascinated by all the horrifically gory waxworks and the dank atmosphere.

Now it's just a crappy glorified theme park dumbed down to the lowest common denominator 

I read on the beeb that the NHM has shipped over some of the fossils from the biggest dino ever from argentina.  Bet there's a pretty cool exhibit around that

I took mine to the Thames Barrier (#CoolAunt)


They enjoyed the most going on a bus (never been on one before, thought I was lying about having to stick your arm out) being on the top deck, getting to push the button when we wanted to alight etc.

Which part of London will you be in? I wouldn’t underestimate the hassle of travelling with a 4 and 6 year old across half of London, particularly on the way home when they are tired and hungry.

what does the mum want to do? Do you need to keep her happy too?