Princess of Wales, cancer

Just heard on BBC Radio 3 News that Princess Kate has revealed she's undergoing chemo for cancer.

I just can't believe anyone would have leaked the records, not just because it would be a horrific, cruel thing to do, but also because surely, it would be fatally career destroying - there is no way that either the leaker or whoever published it would ever survive the consequences.

Not that it matters - as one human being to another, it is obviously appalling that she or anyone else should be forced to disclose their health issues to, quite literally, the world.

Agree with Chuffy.

But as it is a matter of public interest and constitutionally important, there is a right to know.

The unauthorised accessing of the info is unlawful per se, but the public need to know, so no issues of Article 8 arise either.

The public interest argument was set by the ECtHR when Princess Stephanie and Prince von Hannover were followed and photographed by magazine paparazzi. They lost their Artcile 8 claim against Germany in their action for Germany's alleged failure to protect their privacy.

Someone was sacked from the hospital for trying to access records. This is shit.  I know it's her decision but weird to make such a big deal about Charlie's cancer transparency and then try to keep this secret. 

"But as it is a matter of public interest and constitutionally important, there is a right to know."

Bollox it is - the line of succession is clearly secured in both William and George, and the fact that the public is interested does not make it a matter of public interest, so nobody should try to dignify what was, essentially, the prurient and frankly creepy obsession with another person's intimate health issues.

Even if it hadn't turned out to be such sad news, even if it turned out to be a benign and routine op which nevertheless needed a long recovery time, even if, frankly, it turned out that she had had some sort of cosmetic surgery, it wasn't anyone's else's business.

The only upside of this is that maybe, just maybe, it will have put the fear of god into the obsessively curious / obsessive royal watchers / general paparazzi, and they will back the fvck off everyone for a while - I'd imagine that, for the next few years at least, she'll be able to waltz naked down Pall Mall if she likes and noone will dare intrude on her.

It's an awful way to achieve that result, though.

I wonder if a story was about to run naming the actual form of C, hence this now.  It’s basically blackmail from the tabs. Still leaves the embarrassing farm shop vid brushed under the carpet. On a human level you can’t but have every sympathy with her of course. But with the way this stuff plays out and how all those concerned try to play events to their own advantage, they all deserve what they get, let’s face it. 

I don't believe the royals have the same right of privacy that we do. It's clearly awful news but it's proper that the people who fund their lifestyle are aware. It is the flip side of the whole royal family 

Don't be a twot all your life - there is nothing "embarrassing" about the video (well, other than that it triggered, once again, your desperate need to always pretend that you * know * stuff, and know more and better than everyone else, as if your pathological sneeriness conveys on you some sort of second sight).

And, no she doesn't "deserve" cancer (or any other illness), or having to disclose her cancer before she was ready, and only a properly fvcked up sociopath would think that she did.

Of course she doesn't deserve it, but in return for the public scrutiny she gets compensated with the best medical care available, at the taxpayer's expense. 

I'd take that over privacy and an NHS waiting list. 

It would be nice if they addressed that. I'm fairly sure most people with a major illness have major stress related to financial implications which are utterly irrelevant for her.

Obviously she doesn't fooking deserve cancer you penis

Cruella if you think that vid was genuine you’re even thicker than your every post for the people on here shows. Presumably you have some idea how PR works. Except you don’t, you fall for this shit, in fact you absolutely love the way it flatters your stupidity. Anyway, it will all come out sooner or later. 

Terrible thing for a young mother and hope she recovers soon. 

But ultimately this has been terribly handled by the palace (or her or William or whoever is making the decisions here). Should have been a line item in the press months ago with request for privacy, outpouring of sympathy, nobody asks why she’s staying away from the cameras. 

Why on earth they thought it was a good idea to fake the photo is beyond me. 

Could it be every highly trained lawyer/professional here is actually thick? Is cookie the only one with insight.

If everyone else is always the khunt in yoyr view, you may wish to take a good, long, hard look in the mirror. Wonder if youll like what is staring back at you.

Arrive Grieving General. PR shit show. Personally would have come out when they found out and said i have cancer, i want privacy fook off. You would have gotten massive goodwill like the King. Even if a decision was taken to keep it secret, just disappearing for months, and when speculation rises putting out an edited photo and visiting the garden centre is stupid PR. Anyone now its all the presses fault, not mismanaged PR.

But as it is a matter of public interest and constitutionally important, there is a right to know.

The unauthorised accessing of the info is unlawful per se, but the public need to know

Absolute horse nuts

Cru has administered an absolute shoeing up there. Nearly as good as "you're just a bloke with a library card" which I recall was a recent drive by pwning by clergs. 

The fact that she has cancer has no constitutional importance, but the idea that the palace is happy to release doctored photos that present a false impression of the health of the royal family probably does (or at least should going forward with advances in tech). 

I’m a bit concerned that the sad news she’s released is overshadowing the decisions they’ve made recently. 

Ribaldry as I observed the other day it’s not my fault you don’t have enough work, and no amount of ganging up with Team Simple will change that for you, or them. But well done to all of you making this horrid evening for the nation’s favourite family all about you. Again. 

18.32 accessing and disclosing medical records  will be both a criminal offence and disclosure and publication a potential breach of Article 8. In the context of that edited photographs are the most irrelevant thing I have ever heard.  There is nothing of constitutional  importance either. 

Ribaldry as I observed the other day

I didn't read it, can you link me up?

you don’t have enough work

[Holds up mirror]

ganging up with Team Simple

Are you ok?

well done to all of you making this horrid evening for the nation’s favourite family all about you

Do you need dioralyte? [Holds up mirror again]

I genuinely think you should stop doing this for your own good Bertha Manning. 

I haven’t followed the whole video and picture thing as am generally disinterested in the royals, but having to deal with such a private thing in the public eye must be horrific. Poor woman.

:( that must be so scary for her and her kids :(((((

Don’t really get why they didn’t just say that from the start rather than create and fuel mad conspiracy which must have only been more stressful.

Kate and Charles both very sick - now time to look at the lifestyle and reduce the stress and pressure of the whole thing. 


I think Charles announced his to take the pressure off Kate and family while they were coming to terms with it. Everyone saying why didn’t they announce right away is being a little naive. She firstly had the op where it wasn’t known and then it was shown as cancer: from a human element she has needed time to process, tell the children (and presumably manage teachers and parents there) tell the “firm” and manage the pr and press. Largely as well she’s had to process chemo and the repercussions of that and ultimately looking the possibility of death in the face at a young age (hopefully not that and caught early etc but having now known a few friends who have been through it most suffer some ptsd).  I’m sure her mind has been in turmoil and whilst it may not have been dealt with in a perfect way there is prob no perfect way to react when early 40s and diagnosed with cancer. Poor woman that even her Mother’s Day pic got ripped apart. 

You can understand her reluctance. A million bunches of flowers from the petrol station.  Queues snaking back for miles to sign a giant sympathy card from Clinton's. Sympathy turning to anger as someone walks off with the biro. 

It’s just sad that some twunt is happy to risk their job for £20k from a tabloid but on the other hand as a hospital cleaner it’s a year’s pay and you’ll find another job.

I hope all the people who monged on about William not attending some random old fart’s funeral because weird shite that weird shires care about, now feel fvcking stupid as in fact he was giving his wife a cuddle after she’d just been told she had cancer. Daft khunts

Sad story and hope she recovers. The monarchy though is just a giant manifestation of white privilege and has no place in modern British society. Time to reclaim assets from them and give them a 10 year warning to prepare them to live sustainably, and remove any symbolic references to them in legal and constitutional architecture.

Royals have six godparents. You'd excuse him a certain amount of mourning fatigue. Poor Wills. He's spent his life in a suit politely looking at coffins for hours on end.