ordinary things that are really hard to get in the shops round your way

for me it's grapefruits and grapefruit juice

yes haaa haaa maybe it's because everyone is on statins in Scotland HILARIOUS

anyway had to go to a specialist shop to get them

two pink ones

there is a very high chance that anything you care to name is not available to me.

I can sort you out a load of weird fruits nobody has heard of, some chicken arsehöles and feet if you want to do swapsies?

heh.  Durian. the signs on buses here have pictures of what is not allowed to be carried on.  These include pictures of durian, hand grenades and guns.

I'm in SEA (as if I don't bang on about it enough).

acquired quite a taste for certain varieties of durian but tended to make my face red when I drank, so assumed it was using up valuable liver enzymes to gave it up before the booze.