now that Germany is in recession

does this mean we all will be too soon?

ps Brexit didn't cause that, did it tho

If they'd just given Zelensky the tanks in Feb 22 they could have avoided the wurst of this. Remember when they made the RAF fly around Germany to take munitions to Ukraine?

Well, fook around find out.


germany r now ukraine’s biggest supporter in europe it seems, quite the volte face 4 want of a more appropri7 expression

no wonder amitheputainfluffer h7s them

They are not the biggest supporter. They only decided to make a meaningful contribution ten days ago.  

18 months ago they were blocking NATO supplies from being delivered to Kyiv.  If they'd been on the right side of history in November 2021, as the UK and the US did, the war could have been over much sooner and might not have even begun. 

Seeing the light in May 2023 only because your own country is now on skid row is a shocking dereliction of international duty.

Between 2014 and 2020, Germany provided almost as many weapons to Russia as France did, although France at least sold lots to Ukraine too. Germany and France are both on the right side now, but it has taken far too long. 

The UK and the US have admittedly played a blinder with the War - ignite the tensions as much as possible as it’s far away. Keeps Russia AND Germany down. Win win. 
No wonder everyone paints themselves in Ukrainian colours nowadays. 


They are not the biggest supporter. They only decided to make a meaningful contribution ten days ago.

that’s just a str7 up blatant lie. e.g. back in march they had contributed or commuted 2 c.€14bn (uk £4.6bn)

if ur gonna lie, at least do it with something that can b disproved with a quick google - eg claiming 2 support ukraine is a difficult 1, tho the repeated denigration of their biggest financial support in europe rather lifts the mask

Arguably the UK's biggest contribution has been to cajole and shame NATO allies into giving more stuff and being a bit braver about vladdy pootpoots so called red lines. Not to be sniffed at and Ben Wallace will have earned his gong when he gets it.

Funding for the security capacity building initiative amounts to 5.4 billion Euros for 2023 (after 2 billion Euros for 2022)


(German government, 2 days ago.)

dude srsly wtf is wrong with u? do u like coming across as an imbecile?

u got that from this site, which has immedi6ly following it “and additional authorisations to enter commitments in the following years amounting to 10.5 billion Euros.”

and even if we ignore future commitments, either way it’s still more than the uk

so ur point is just all round weirdly an inexplicably obvious self-pwn

is this some sort of weird trolling where u humil7 urself?

that was the case at 1st (altho even then it was deb7able cos germany was providing money, just not armour) but after their huge change of heart they’ve now gone all in and committed more than 3x wot the uk have (and already given much more)

don’t take my word 4 it - just click the links above and also google the uk’s ukraine contributions 4 a comparison 

so it’s valid 2 criticise them 4 their initial reticence, but they have eventually done the right thing and now they’ve done it, they’ve really committed - in stark contrast 2 our govt who make a lot of noise and then it all turns out 2b quite a bit more empty in reality