Nieces and Nephews

No risky, it's not a paid for incest fantasy roleplay...


(A) As a child did you refer to aunts and uncles as Aunt X or Uncle Y (or just by name)

(B) As an adult did you change

(C) How do your nieces/nephews address you?

I have a niece who doesn't speak English as a first language and it's a hilarious jape for her to mix up auntie and uncle because the ABSURDITY of confusing gender

Cannot wait for her to start school and schooling everyone 

As a child, Auntie X and Uncle Y (this also applying to not actual aunts and uncles - by which I also include their spouses - eg my godparents, my parents' cousins)

One uncle's wife always wanted to be name not Auntie but my mother had no truck with that and I had to call her Auntie. Same woman is also now called by her first name by her adult children and by a non-granny title in lieu of Granny or similar by her grandchildren. 

As an adult now I think they all expect now to be first names but in my head they are all Auntie/Uncle whatever even I don't use it. 

My children call their aunts and uncles (and those spouses) with the title but also have two auntie godmothers and a uncle godmother's husband, but the godfathers they rarely see are just Name. 

all my uncles and aunts are dead now... but I always referred to them as Aunty Y and Uncle X.. actually, I had some cousins that we used to call Uncle / Aunty for some reason.

I have 17 nephews and nieces, only one of them calls me Uncle and he does that to annoy me (his Mrs now calls me that too...)

A - as a kid, always uncle/auntie

B - as an adult, weirdly - uncle/auntie when not speaking to them, and Christian name when speaking to them. 

C - I am uncle. 

I am Auntie Scy (first three letters of real name) 

When they stay with me for a longer period of time eventually the Auntie bit falls off and I just get Scy. 


A Cork woman is about to give birth to twins when she suddenly falls into a coma.  When she comes to she sees her idiot brother holding the children.

"You've been so long out, we were forced to give the children names" he says.  "oh no" she thinks, "my idiot brother is going to do something stupid here".. 

"Ok, What did you call the girl?"  She asks

"Denise" he says... "what a lovely name" says the woman surprised... "and what did you call the boy?"
