
Didn't realise they had sub-contracted public defence to the Tories.

Isn't Hawaii about as Democrat as they come?  

Natural disasters have a way of fvcking everything up no matter who's in power.  See also: Hurricane Katrina. 

everyone in Europe be like “oh yeah, Hawaii’s the kind of remote island civilisation where these things just hapoen”

er, it’s part of the richest country in the world. That destroyed town - Lahaina? - before the fire you could have mistaken it for somewhere on the californian coast

that said, americans notoriously shite at achieving anything that involves marshalling public resources to achieve a common goal. I mean except starting wars obv 

More of a joke at the omnishambles our overlords preside over. 

State disinvestment has a habit of making natural disasters worse. Just feels like all these dull preparation things that we prob used to take for granted have just gone. Maybe it's just bad luck events are overtaking established thinking? 

it was a grass fire. If you look on google earth around the town, it looks like bare rock - actually it’s fine grassland. Grass fires not the hottest wildfires nor the longest lived, but they move like lightning.

What's weird is I know someone that works in LA and they are part of some sort of local defence thing set up to deal with "the big one".

With Katrina the defence designs were simply badly built or not built to withstand projected worst case events.

The invasive grass that has taken over the old pineapple plantations can grow a few inches a day in Hawaii. Dried out it's simply fuel waiting for a spark.

It's amongst other things a failure of land management.

Controlled burns every few years would avoid many of these devastating fires globally, but too many environmentalists balk at the idea and refuse scrub clearance projects.

But, as a last resort, "you could leave it all behind and sail to Lahaina, just like the missionaries did so many years ago......"

In the end it's all the same. Maybe Don Henley was right and there's now nowhere in the Western World left to go to escape problems that are the product of human 'greed'!