ManUre v Chehlski

Absolute state of this.

A lot of people are saying that UTD’s starting 12 cost £600 mill (not including whatever the ref is on).

Chehlsea have spent £600 mill in a year.

Old Toilet like a morgue even though 4th place is on the line. 


Shit thread Chinorder. Erik Ten Games has produced the goods. At least one trophy, champions league football and on a tiny fraction of the corrupt oil dolla that pep has spunked. 

i’m just going on the amount ten hag has spent only, not the whole squad

all the “big” clubs r the same. financially doped, multiple plastic fans and barely a whisker between them

City's net spend is Pamela Anderson in Baywatch levels of fantasy given the amount of secret payments made by them


The day Old Trafford has an atmosphere because 4th place is on the line is the day we should give up and go home

Anything other than a treble for citheh this season is a failure given the dodgy investment. 

Man Utd fans are ecstatic with the progress this year and none of it required *checks notes* charging the women's team a £20m fee for using the club name. Disgraceful financial sheikhnanigans. 

Great season. Simple as that. FA Cup would top it off nicely. Weird game, Chelsea were actually pretty good for large patches, but suicidally naive at times with it. I think Poch will turn them into a force.

Bit risky of you posting the fishing emoji when you're the one posting defensively chinny chin chin.

Oh but, oh but, PRAWN SANDWICHES. Got you!!!1

The noughties called and they want Roy Keane's joke back. 

Chinorder on the drink 

Class support until Chelsea just capitulated 

Great season for united all told. Despite everything, UCL and a trophy. ETH deserves massive credit and has proven he's one of the best 

Now if the owners can give him between 2-4bn he might have a squad that can compete with the cheats 

Did anyone see the wage bill + transfer fee amortisation chart that was doing the rounds on social media. PSG are way ahead on spending, followed by RM and Man U.

Man City have actually outperformed. Time to give some credit to the bald fraud himself?

Tommy banana on the mad one 

Abu Dhabi have put in over 4bn 

Glazers have taken out 1bn 

That's a difference of over 5bn. United still winning trophies and surviving just on working class People rocking up each week 

Something the cheats cant say. Tourists turn up, half fill the emptihad and sit there silently 

A cucked club 

Man City have actually outperformed. Time to give some credit to the bald fraud himself?

Did the chart have the real wages or just the ones the cheats publish in their accounts?


Until the Saudis manage to cheat as much as the cheats, it's a one horse race 

That is likely 4-6 years off 

United will continue dominating the real football leagues - most points for a non oil club, best fans, best entertainment. What football is about