
here for a night as it goes, staying near Piccadilly 

bit different from when I was last here in 1991 …

Make sure you use the word Manny to let the locals know you aren't a rube tourist. A few things you could say.

Have you read the Manny Evening News today? 

Did you see Manny Citheh shit the bed against Real Maddy in the week?

I might take in a few exhibits at the Manny Museum later


With all due love and respect to my good pal Davos.

Briton’s Protection and the Pev still great boozers, and quite close to each other. Treasure the Protection whilst you can. You’ll see what I mean if you go in there.


no worries 

I haven’t been back there in a long time, mainly because the city is very much connected with my time with my last wife - and taking my now wife around a bunch of places where all the memories of someone else would be odd … plus now wife doesn’t really drink so taking her to pubs is kind of a waste

I quite fancy a memory lane type trip back now  - but maybe on my own or while we are there doing some other stuff

On your way to Didsbury if you go past Oak House look for Jabberwocky on the other side of the road. My first date with Mrs P was there 40 or so years ago. I wonder if the menu is still the same.