King Charles - cancer

Going through this in public (assuming it’s serious enough otherwise why reveal) is going to be awful. 

I’m not a massive fan of Brian, but if he continues to use his position as thoughtfully as he has to date then history will laud him, rightly, while his daughter in law is obvs using her time in hostipal to have a nip and tuck hoping no one will notice. 

We will know how serious dependent on Harry’s arrival to the UK. 

That is sad but hopefully one that’s curable and hopefully found in time. I would presume kings have more regular medicals than us lot. 

If you’ve candidly disclosed about an enlarged prostate you might think that saying nowt would only serve to heighten speculation rather than reduce it. 

I am fine risky. Did you use your exile well? Write a book on Liz truss premiership? It was quite short so it would have been a short book. Was your return like napoleon  fron Elba? They sent the guard to stop you and they mutinied. 

At the coronation he did not look a well man. He needed to be steadied by a couple of people when he was wearing the heavier garments.

If it's not prostate cancer, but it is cancer, another organ there is the bladder.

I think both he and Kate are very sad about the events of the last couple of years. Sadness is very bad for the health as it takes life force energy. 

Poor old kingus maximus sausagefingeriensis

A long wait for action then this within a year of the scramble signal. 

Not a great respecter of the monarchy but I respect humanity and don’t wish suffering on anyone. He has had some hard times. Hope this is resolved quickly and that he has a long life. His voice on the environment and tolerance between religions is welcome. 

It's newsworthy. Daily Mail need to know whether to run with "cruel Harry REFUSES to visit ill King!!!" or "Harry OPPORTUNISTICALLY seeks media attention by visiting father!"

If this came up just with the prostate treatment and so presumably pre any symptoms then that is good is it not, hopefully caught early?

My best friend was diagnosed with bladder cancer last summer (tiny bit of blood in urine) and we have all been suprised how treatable it can be, obv not everyone all the time, but depending on the type there are loads of quite good treatment options.

This whole speculation about him about to pop all seems a bit ridiculous. Several older family members were diagnosed some years ago - all (touch wood) currently going strong and that's presumably without the top treatment Charlie will get.

If it’s bladder cancer then caught early it is very treatable. My dad had it a few years ago and had immunotherapy. I presume with all the prostate stuff he’d have had blood tests done and if the cancer marker didn’t show it must mean it’s fairly localised and a good sign. Crypto? 

Bladder cancer - picked up on cystoscopy post prostate surgery. 

Colorectal cancer invading the prostate gland (likely to have been seen pre-op on MRI). 

Haematological malignancy (lymphoma etc). Noted on routine bloods pre-op (but wouldn’t he have regular screening?) or on the biopsy. 

Some weirdy-beardy tumour that’s metastasised to the prostate. 

On Radio 5 live (in between MNC which thankfully was not cancelled), we had a journo reporting from outside windsor castle with such insights as:


I spoke to a few tourist. None of them seemed to be aware of it

One man said "that's a shame" Another woman said "we wish him well"

That's what we have press quoting anonymous random members of the public who have nothing to say. 

Only worse, three royal experts who were on to speculate, but were reigned in to avoid speculation talking about regency etc. and perhaps that it was serious because he's announced it, but perhaps it's not because they got it early.  HOW THE FVK DO YOU KNOW THEY GOT IT EARLY.  WE HAVE ALL SEEN THE SAME PRESS RELEASE.  

It was summed up by saying Queen Camilla can open the community centres and he can participate in his other meetings via zoom.  Surely it is time we seriously review the point of a monarchy.  Let him be a civilian now and call time on all of this nonsense. 

We bow / scrape and understand that a rich family who pay no taxes rule over us - they must be respected, they are important. Yet their central role (summed up by our BBC) is that the main role is to open community centres and slow down legal process.  I'm sure Alan Carr would take on a few more community centres if we asked him nicely. 


So is Broken Britain now going to be distracted on deathwatch for however many more years? On top of all the other things holding us back - Work Experience and his malcontents, post colonial guilt, crooked footie, crippled Norn Iron, stroppy Scotches????

IF it is easliy curable I cannot but think they may have been a bit more informative - "caught it early" "not spread" "routine operation" etc.    The lack of information does tend to make us think the worst.   Or if it something that is easily treated the comms have been terrible.    Either do not publicise at all or publicise the details.

sunak sed they caught it early

but he then sed “all our thoughts” r with charles, which is blatantly untrue. a couple of my thoughts r with him, but the vast maj r naturally focused on kids 2 nursery, coffee, breakfast, chatting shit on rof etc

Jelly, ok "routine" maybe not the word but we all know there are cancers with a high survival rate that have not spread where the prospects of successful op are very good, if that was the case I would have thought they would have said so I am assuming it does not fall into that category.

This was always a risk with the King inheriting the throne well into his seventies. I bet the late Queen thought about it when there was all the talk about her abdicating when was getting very elderly.

"Another poor call made while he was fasting yesterday?"

It's almost impressive the way that you manage to always make sure that no one ever forgets that, on top of everything else, Sunak is also proper brown.


This ain't good.

With the prostate stuff, they said it was routine.  They had him out and about two days ago - People - and now he's withdrawn from public view with a statement he has cancer.

Poor guy.  


I wonder if Welby will be the first archbish to crown and bury the same monarch?  

I am sorry to say I have just looked this up and William IV was crowned by William Howley in 1831, who was still Archbishop of Canterbury at his funeral in 1837 (he was Archbishop of Canterbury for 20 years so he also crowned Victoria, but the Dean of Windsor did George IV's funeral).