If it transpired when you snuff it that you have a choice about whether you could choose your sex when you were reincarnated, would you stay the same or fancy a change?

And fook right off if you have any intention of making this a trans thread. 
Your options are

Willy stays Willy. 

Noonoo stays Noonoo?

Willy goes to noonoo 

Noonoo goes to Willy  

Serious answers only please 



Being a lady looks pretty rubbish tbh. But by far the best thing is the range of beautiful clothes available to them. I would spend my life in the shops and probably bankrupt myself.

Do men may have the advantage of becoming more attractive to women as they get older when are more chilled and can just enjoy it? I would like to swap sex at 50 please! 

If I'm a woman can I at least be very hot?

Seems quite easy 

But then life as a good looking man has been easy 

Can I just be born into money please? Rest is all irrelevant really 

I'd have to be smokin' hot

Be careful what you wish for… chased as a trophy by men, and disliked and not trusted by other women. 

if this reincarnation malarkey is on a constant loop then I’d definitely give it a go at some point. Not as a Saudi Arabian woman tho, obvs. 


Good point - can I either be hot enough to be a talentless actress (not porn FAOD) or just hot enough that people still take me seriously but I get a free pass?

On balance I still think a hot bloke tbf tbf 

Presumably you don’t get to choose. You just get given your XX chromosomes and the dice rolls. 

Tbf I’d be curious to find out what is so special about empathy and emotional intelligence. I suspect it’s useful stuff. 

Do men may have the advantage of becoming more attractive to women as they get older when are more chilled and can just enjoy it?

This isn't the case with men in general - I mean just visualize certain members of this parish at age 50...  

I'd say every silver fox out there is outnumbered 8-10 to 1 by Sam Allardyces (sans England manager money).  


I would choose to be a woman next time around, mainly just for the change, probably would not have said that 30 years ago though - I think while not entirely equal men and women can now have broadly similar expectations of a happy and fulfilled life (although not exactly the same life), before the 21st century, in most societies and at most times, men had the clear advantage.