I want to expat I've had enough

I'm sorry for everything I said about Dubai I want sunshine and exotic fruits and fabulous riches

Genuine Q, Laz, do you think one can still Pat in HK for money and  laughs ?

I kind of get the impression HK doesn’t even pay that well (and it’s basically Beijing by the sea with less pollution) 

NYC, California , Cayman and Sandbox seems to be  the only fun n cash places left 



America has absolutely loads of people that think herbal woo is more effective than actual medicine and nihilistic libertarians abound. Seems right up your street or is this an 'only gay in the village' thing for you?

If I had no children to worry about, there’s no way I’d willingly live year round anywhere in the UK*. There are plenty of actual warm, sunlit uplands to relocate to where your money goes a lot farther than here. I am well jell of a (non-lawyer) friend who recently went on a working “holiday” staying a few months at a time in fabulous locations. 

*I quite like summers here when it isn’t pissing down the entire time.

Sunshine ,exotic fruits, fabulous riches as an 'expat' (no, you would be a migrant, actually) tends to be only available where the Govt is corrupt and the country has a questionable Human Rights record and it is illegal to be 'different (eg LGBTQ)'.

Accept higher taxes and you could have sunshine and exotic fruit in the South of France or Spain. Forget the money. Just have a stable and secure base.

Dubai seems more like Surrey in the desert which has an oppressive, theist, deist regime

I think you’ve probably missed the boat tbf. Patting is a young person’s gig mostly. The over 40s are mostly those fleeing covid procurement investigations and those who couldn’t get a decent gig in Blighty. 

Pattin to HK - for money, yes. Cash salaries are higher and tax much lower (my effective rate was about 11%) plus there is more growth and more opportunity. Fun, yes, sure it’s got more authoritarian but it’s still not as bad as singapore

That said, Dubai would be my choice for re-pattin’, or australia.

Would only really go to the US to be part of the silicon valley tech scene, which is a possibility 

11% ETR? Heh good luck with that. 

Truth of the matter is Unkle has been showing the way for aeons. And now it is a truth universally acknowledged. 

Come to where the flava is.