Former Post Office General Counsel
You With The Face 20 Feb 24 10:01
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Amazing bio on current employer's website:

Chris Aujard joined FNZ in August 2018 as Group General Counsel (GC). He is responsible for overseeing all legal and corporate governance matters across the group.

Chris has over 30 years’ experience in financial services, having served as the GC and company secretary at companies such as Royal London (the UK’s largest life and pensions mutual), Singer & Friedlander (acquired by Kaupthing), National Australia Bank, as well as in the corporate development team at Lloyd’s of London.

Immediately prior to joining FNZ, Chris held a number of senior GC positions at both the Co-op group (non-food division, including general insurance) and a major UK institution, where, in addition to running the legal function, he had responsibility for the internal audit, risk, compliance and security functions.

He started his career in the UK in the corporate finance team at Norton Rose, a job which took him to parts of central and eastern Europe working on various M&A deals.

Major UK institution, OK?  You wouldn't know them, they went to a different school.

yeah yeah

I used to work with someone whose immediate prior job had been Head of Risk at a massive financial institution, just before it collapsed and had to be bailed out during the financial crisis.

So what - everyone knows these titles mean nothing and nobody actually has the power to prevent or change anything.

As well you know, "Heads of Risk" are not bound by the same ethical and professional considerations as lawyers (CFOs might be if they are Chartered Accountants). 

Principle 1 of the SRA Principles provides as follows:

You act in a way that upholds the constitutional principle of the rule of law, and the proper administration of justice.

You do look at those situations and wonder what advice people must have received. Of course we, as lawyers, are not the decision-makers but I'd like to think that we have some influence which can be used to exert pressure when needed. Would love to hear his side of the story. I bet he has some incredible experiences to share that we could all benefit from (not being sarcastic) and that he himself has probably learned from.  


He might as well have put the real name up there. 

Old pal of mine was an accountant, not at Enron but at a collapse as notorious in his field. He just stuck it on his CV, he got interviews, interviewers treated it as 'shit happens', no-one thinks one accountant can intercept tectonic plate shifts in the world of money.  And it was also an unbeatable explanation for why he was on the job market, his entire employer  had imploded around him.