The fook is wrong with Fraser nelson publishing this

You have to remember that the sort of people who write for (and read) The Spectator* are now in late middle age or in some cases fully old b@stards. Look at the state of Rod Liddle ffs

They are now the lecherous seedy fvckers propping up the golf club bar talking about ‘fillies’ and moaning that you can’t say anything anymore 

*and the Telegraph, Express, Guido and the like

It’s all absolutely revolting and depressing. 
See other thread about pretty female golf caddies and tequila shot peddlars. Really depressing that there is so much old male fat running the nation’s dialogue. 
How long before Laz pipes up and explains why Fraser Nelson is right in these views. 

It's totally gross. Not only does the writer think its ok to write the article, the whole editorial board thought it was ok to publish it.  It's astonishing.  Yes, and depressing.

An intelligent woman has to be reduced to this because of the way she looks.  Why are some men so threatened?  


The article itself is yucky.

I don't see an issue with him doing what he did in terms of getting horny and seeing a prostitute. 

Was disgusting to bring the lecturer into it.

I don't see an issue with him doing what he did in terms of getting horny and seeing a prostitute. 

Was disgusting to bring the lecturer into it.





Umm. he "got horny" (bleurgh) because he was drooling at an academic. His crusty old spooge cannon dick-tated his actions thereafter.  the editors of the Spectator (I like to watch) let their crusty old spooge cannons dictate theirs.

When do we get to tear down the ancient castle of bigoted maleness with its w**k stainy walls.