downward social mobility

most voters are not going to support policies which aim to increase social mobility by increasing downward social mobility - without which there will be precious little upward social mobility. similarly most voters will not support climate change mitigation measures which will materially impact their standard of living. as a result normal Tory policies - and backlash against green crap - will get traction while starmer dithers. bigger picture: we’re fvcked. 

You just don't highlight the downward social mobility bit.


Most people are too stupid or too busy to get to grips with that side of the coin.


The media doesn't have the depth or column inches to adequately get to grips with it either.

similarly most voters will not support climate change mitigation measures which will materially impact their standard of living. as a result normal Tory policies - and backlash against green crap - will get traction while starmer dithers.

a lot of folks think life in the UK will actually improve with climate change - which may even be true to some extent.  


Starmer will win - but it would be better if he outbid Sunak on cutting the green crap and annhilated the Tories forever whilst saving us all a few bob until such time that actual economies that matter finally take their fingers oiut of their arses and make a bit of an effort.

4 a while i literally thought those “wot dux sed”s were extinct in the wild

but thru careful encouragement 2 procre7, aided by patience and some dramatic changes in habitat and conservation approaches, they seem 2 b off the critically endangered list and now merely rare/vulnerable 

It’s a false choice. Investing in green tech will not make people worse off.

It’s a no brainer way to boost the economy.

It needs to be done eventually, and will cost less if you act sooner rather than later. And you get to boost the economy now by both promoting investment via tax breaks and giving direct monetary investment from govt.

Starmer has a record as a winner who has actually - unlike any of this government of uninvited unelected interlopers - run a large organisation, so he knows how to manage expectations. If he plays his cards right he could have a really significant positive influence on the country for a very long time. So, let’s dig in for the winter. One more heave.

I’m going to have to hold my nose and vote tactically to get rid of our basket case tory mp - mind you the libs and the labs just might be so tribal and petty to cock it up sufficiently that the tory gets back in. 

Downward mobility is a bit hard to define. My grandfather went to a minor public school and Oxbridge and me and siblings did neither - which must be a downward trend?

Probably earn more, adjusted for all factors, but children all went to comps so the disadvantage must be locked in for now.

"most voters are not going to support policies which aim to increase social mobility by increasing downward social mobility - without which there will be precious little upward social mobility."




Me, moving downwards since 2010.

Private schools and post-graduate qualifications count  for nothing.

It's better to start lower and move upwards, theoretically. Social mobility is harder in Tory England.

Indeed, it's easier and quicker to move downwards than upwards.

That adults with kids think what their own grandparents had is relevant is pretty much the whole heart of the problem. Such a bloody feudal, class bound mindset and one that the UK struggles so hard to shift. 

What Bertha said is of course true. The windows for advancement in the UK open rarely and they don’t open for everyone at the same time. Very much depends whether you are one of the groups it is fashionable to to seem to help advance at a particular point in time.