bye bye dominic raab!
The Oracle of Delphi 22 May 23 22:36
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u nat-c bullying incompetent

He did sometimes raise his voice apparently and ask people questions



Lol@ Whitehall hard man running off instead of taking the beating he was going to get at the end of next year. Would make Portillo look statesman like.

To be clear, he’s on his arse because he’s an incompetent pompous aunt, not because some civil servants are a bit wet. 

eh? he’s

- an arrogant tozza who is massively out of his depth

- famously vain and humourless

- the sort of chippy person who boasts about being a black belt in karate

- a rightwhinger

- been plagued by allegations he’s a thin-skinned bully most of his political career

so i have absolutely no doubt he’s a bully, no doubt at all. no doubt he’s a despicable human being.

only a complete moron would think he’s not a bully, especially after an attempted whitewash investigation had 2 accept he was a bully.

only an irrepressibly tribal tozza so arrogant as 2 think ne1 would believe them would pretend they think he’s not a bully

Will be odd to have a career to look back on where he reached the heights of Deputy PM and Foreign Secretary but was utterly awful at every aspect of all the jobs he did.  Another one of Johnsons coat tail clingers- will be remembered as one of the relics of the time the Tory party lost its marbles.

Yeah their cowardice is robbing us of a Portillo/ Meller/ Hamilton moment

hunt will probably lose but can’t say I’m massively bothered about him 

Boris prolly won’t make it that far

gove would be lol

Hunt is one of the old school Tory pragmatists still in government - don't agree with him obviously but he is not obviously incomeptenent and I don't bear him any ill will.   Gove, was a brexiteer and therefore deep down obviously lacking wisdom but he is competent on a day to day level and knows how to get things done.  As Tories will be out of power it doesn't matter if he loses his seat but its actually a good thing he is in the current shower of shit government.

What I would love is if either Lib Dems or labour could stand aside in Rees Moggs seat  (where the opposition vote is heavily split) and get rid of him - probably the worst of the lot.

Dead heat with……the rest of them?

appaz the PM when picking cabinet said sth like “that means I have to give fvcking Suella a job”

They’re all c unts. Kick them out of office and out of public life. 

Is there a single person here who believes that amithemeatshield wasn’t on here crowing about nick clegg/ jo swinson/Ed balls losing their seats?

thought not

Heff, take heart, we'll still have the delights of Gullis and Anderson and plenty of other brexiteers drunkenly ranting about the p***s after losing their seats convincingly. Hopefully Johnson, Rees Mogg and Patel too if labour, greens and lib Dems get their act together. 

Normally you have the 'big names' out campaigning in marginals; with them dropping like flies it could be worth a few more seats for the maj.

Exactly who are the khunts going to be recruiting over the next couple of years? What kind of 'talent' will find the prospect of a party that could genuinely end up with Suella Braverman as leader appealing? We could end up with an entire party of Judy Carters trying to manifest the poor away. Tories are fvcked forever, right?

They're just as bad on the other side too.

Look at how they've behaved towards Rosie Duffield.

Look at how they treated John Mann and Luciana Berger.

And look who failed to stood up for any of those people.

What kind of 'talent' will find the prospect of a party that could genuinely end up with Suella Braverman as leader appealing?


Socially inadequate with a chip on his shoulder. No good at his job. Ideal Tory MP and. That's why he's a bully.

A total nonentity promoted far above his abilities and purely on party loyalty. Just like the Gauleiters in Nazi Germany.  

Yeah they really thought it was forever  - Boris looking at 3 terms then handing over to some other mentalist. Crypto and risky with their opinion poll posts to pwn the libs. Classic Dom in his pomp. Seems like a million years ago. 

funny how things turn out. As in funny ‘ha ha’.

What I would love is if either Lib Dems or labour could stand aside in Rees Moggs seat  (where the opposition vote is heavily split) and get rid of him - probably the worst of the lot.

There's an intriguing boundary change due which takes out a good chunk of Tory/LD leaning voters from the Bath side of it and adds in a chunk of (I think) labour leaning voters from the Bristol side.

Wonder if he'll bother fighting it?

This site seems to suggest it'll go red but not sure what data it bases it all on:…

What you can see with all the arseholes is they have never had jobs that involve compromise, conciliation or interpersonal skills. I think that's why Bozo and Gove went so far - being journos they are used to buttering people up and leveraging info without burning all their bridges. Mogg used to thrashing the staff, Patel used to career PR/SPAD professional arsehole, Braverman used to clerks and solicitors scraping to her, Raab used to abusing the GO staff as an equity trainee with a chip forever at having not been kept on.

Hamilton has subsequently shown himself to be an outright twot, but I no longer believe Fayed's stories about him accepting bungs. Fayed's a big enough liar to be a Tory front bencher.

Trying to think if there's anyone in government that I can more easily believe is a bully than Dominic Raab. 

there r a couple who approach that level of certainty 2bf - eg priti patel is clearly a rampant hypersensitive bully

I think Tiverton and Honiton shows what JRM can expect. This is what the Tories aren't really attuned to. The Lib Dems are going to wipe them out in the south-west, they have basically lost London and will lose the home counties to tactical voting. Look at Raab's constituency - comfortably getting 50ish%+ of the vote for decades, with Lib Dems and Labour jockeying for second on 20ish%, now (admittedly Corbyn) Labour abandoned and less than 3,000 votes in it.  It's weird that there isn't an opinion poll that asks if people will vote for whoever has the best chance of removing a Tory. 


Braverman used to clerks and solicitors scraping to her

Fake barrister Suella Braverman?  Nah.  Clerks and solicitors loathed and laughed at her.  She's just a fundamentally khuntish khunt.

@bananaman In some constituencies it's not clear who has the best chance of removing a Tory. LibDems will say that even if they are a bit behind Labour they are better placed in some constituencies to pick up votes. Wimbledon at the last example was a perfect example of this sort of issue.