Bodies on Netflix

the crime/time-travel series based on a graphic novel.

Saw the first episode last night, thought it was intriguing and am looking forward to bingeing the rest over the stormy weekend. 

Anyone seen it? 

It's great stuff.  Initially, I was unconvinced but found myself being drawn into the characters and the story line.  The time travel web all comes together.

It's quirky but I like it.

Has anyone watched Dirk Gently on Flix?  Dusty, orwell, clergs, this is the sort of thing I would have expected you to road test for me.

it's going to be awful, isnt it?

I didnt really like it but I find the Dirk character a bit stressful so uncertain if that was a me problem

Bodies is ridic but I will confess to being sucked in. A sound gym watch.