Being a Guernsey lawuer
Sir Woke XR Re… 08 Jun 23 12:14
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is this as much of a does as appears the case from the service level?

yeah! everyone should absolutely do business in the highest tax jurisdiction possible! even though there’s no law obliging them to do so desoite elected governments being well aware they do so! yeah! that makes sense! huh!

I remember someone in the Jersey Tax Authority saying with a straight face that there are loads of reasons to do business there that have NOTHING to do with tax (nothing!)

No, it’s all about tax. But the U.K. tax authorities know this and yet, despite having legislative power to compel at their disposal, they do nothing to ban it. There is no moral obligation to pay more tax than the law requires of you.

‘yeah! everyone should absolutely do business in the highest tax jurisdiction possible! even though there’s no law obliging them to do so desoite elected governments being well aware they do so! yeah! that makes sense! huh!’

*sounds Lord Halifax’s giant non-sequitur alarm*

In any event, sardonically pillorying the idea of a moral obligation to pay more tax than necessary is, in the context of rebuttal of remarks about paying a “fair” amount of tax, the very opposite of a non sequitur HTHHTHHTH

Many clients use Jersey and Guernsey companies for entirely non-tax reasons. They have stable and well understood company law regimes, without all the capital maintenance rules.