RollOnFriday understands that Parabis is in talks to sell Plexus Law to Keoghs Solicitors.

Plexus is the personal injury arm of Parabis Law, which in 2012 became the first firm to attract private investment under an alternative business structure licence (ABS). Fellow PI firm Keoghs also converted to an ABS in 2012, enabling it to take its own cash injection from private equity house LDC. However last year the North West firm's net profits fell 19% from £11.6m to £9.4m and it made made mass redundancies, which it blamed on reforms to the personal injury market.

Plexus made 80 non-fee-earners redundant earlier this year when it outsourced its high volume, low value claims work to South Africa. Together with Parabis, it also 'won' RollOnFriday's Golden Turd in 2014 when staff voted themselves the least satisfied in the UK.

  Together they will change the world, if the world slips over in Tesco and doesn't go to Slater & Gordon or Irwin Mitchell or suck it up like a grown-up
Keoghs employs about 1,050 people, approximately 750 of whom are fee-earners. Until the dreaded 'synergies' kick in, the acquisition of Plexus' 1,200 staff would make it a PI monster.

A spokesman for Plexus told RollOnFriday,  “Like any other firm, we remain open to discussions with interested parties, but it is our policy not to comment on market speculation”. So it's all true then.
Tip Off ROF


Anonymous 28 August 15 14:28

Why buy them at all?

Isn't it easier to just nick the bits you want and leave the debt where it is?

Anonymous 29 August 15 14:56

Why would a mediocre firm, like Keoghs, want to buy a firm with such an appalling reputation and brand name? Surely the idea of a merger, or takeover, is to improve, or enhance, the combined brand, or offering, not tarnish it even more! The purchase of Plexus would just drag Keoghs down further, not improve it. Clearly a panic buy, if it goes through, just like Ballotelli was for Liverpool.

Anonymous 01 September 15 16:42

Anon at 13.56 is missing the point. The only place where plexus has a poor reputation is in the minds of other legal professionals. Clients of plexus absolutely love the firm which is why it has grown from nothing to over £100 million per year in 15 years. Staff generally like the firm too as proven by the low turnover of staff. I totally accept that there have been a few disgruntled employees who have totally ambushed the firm in recent years by putting entries into things like the surveys that appear on websites. However, the firm has an enviable client list and great staff and at the end of the day that is a winning formula.

Anonymous 01 September 15 16:45

If the statistics shown on rolling today are correct, Plexus is twice the size with ab if the statistics shown on roll on Friday are correct, Plexus generates twice the turnover of Keoghs with only 15% more staff. Easy to see why Keoghs would want some of that action.

Anonymous 02 September 15 09:20

ROF - Both Plexus & Keoghs are defendant PI firms so neither will be competing with S & G or Irwins!

Anonymous 02 September 15 13:26

Anon @ 15:42

It sounds like you're an employee in a little silo.... Evesham? Manchester? Quite happy plodding along but not sure what's going on elsewhere in the business?

Is Plexus really a £100 million business? Perhaps Parabis Group is, but not Plexus on it's own. The word 'grown' is rather misleading too.... acquired would be more appropriate as I doubt much of that figure has been organic growth with how much Parabis has purchased over the years. Didn't go too well with Greenwoods though did it, as you didn't manage to buy yourself onto the Aviva panel.

Anonymous 04 September 15 15:55

anon @ 15.42 1/9/15
Staff generally like the firm? Low turnover of staff? Great Staff? Think you must be thinking of someone else because it certainly wasn't like that when I was there!

Anonymous 08 September 15 16:03

Anon at 15.45, Plexus does not have a winning formula, it is saddled with debt, and in breach of its banking covenants, moreover Plexus/Parabis bought what was an excellent firm in Greenwoods, only for the Aviva account to be cancelled post completion resulting in half the Greenwoods staff going elsewhere, thereby making the deal hugely unprofitable. Plexus is LOSS MAKING.More so after the collapse of the Aviva Account

Anonymous 08 October 15 14:19

'...a few disgruntled employees who have totally ambushed the firm...' Do fuck off. Most amazingly witless people managing offices there, keeping those employees in the dark.