A graduate has failed in his bid to prove that Glasgow Caledonian University provided a pisspoor law course.

Lihe Liu had refused to pay his tuition fees for the two year, fast track LLB course at GCU. He argued that the standard of tuition he received was well below the level that should be expected, that one lecturer spent half his time cracking jokes (and some of the rest of it roundly abusing him), and that he had been deliberately marked down in his exams after complaining about the course. As such GCU was in fundamental breach and Liu had no obligation to cough up.

  A lecture at GCU - how it might have looked

The sheriff threw out his claim and Liu appealed. Delivering the opinion of the appeal court, Lady Paton pointed out that Liu's allegations were extremely serious and would have had grave consequences for GCU if held to be true. As such "careful and full specification would be required in order that fair notice could be given to the university in preparation for the proof. There is no such specification." So, in summary, just having a general bitch about the course and the antics of a particular lecturer wasn't going to get Liu over the finishing line and he'd have to pay his fees.

It's not known whether Liu has managed to secure a training contract.
Tip Off ROF


Roll On Friday 26 June 15 10:51

Can't say I understand this ""careful and full specification would be required in order that fair notice could be given to the university in preparation for the proof. There is no such specification."

If his case is shoddy, fair enough - but this seems to sugges that his case should be super-strong because of the potential impact on the university?

Roll On Friday 26 June 15 11:11

Anon 9:50: Nope, because of the whole "frivolous law suit" thing. Do try to keep up. In any event, Lihe Liu does not leap out at me as an obviously American name. Best you get back to reading your Guardian, what?

Anonymous 26 June 15 12:08

Shooty, suspect anonymous' point is the other way... aren't you assuming the claimant is not American based on their name?

Anonymous 26 June 15 15:13

Law graduate loses court case against his university and in doing so demonstrates that the standard of his legal tuition must have been inadequate... I demand a retrial!

Roll On Friday 09 July 15 20:40

No sympathies mate! As an undergraduate, I had one tutor, a failed Barrister, who turned to teaching, commented to me during a lecture, the 'cheap quality' of my rucksack. I retorted that my rucksack wasn't as cheap as his shoes!