Going to a corporate golf day if you haven’t played golf for 20yrs and weren’t very good even then
Sir Woke XR Re… 25 Apr 24 14:39
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anyone done this

depends on what sort of coroprate golf day, if it is expressly a day for a bit of fun and a hack when novices are welcome and expected  fine, it is a day for actual golfers taking it seriously with handicaps and stapleford points and all that jazz you will probably find you wont enjoy it..

I thought you've been having lessons?

Agree with Guy - find out if it's just for fun or whether there are Kenny Keenos going.

Thankfully these things seem a bit more casual than a few years ago, when you had  to bring a change of clothes, and then have a formal 3-course dinner in the evening with prizes and speeches...

I once had to go to a corporate golf day which was watching it.  fook me that was boring.  Golf is the most boring spectator sport it is possible to think of.  Also, it rained and the food was shyt and it was in fooking wentworth which is a stupid place.

Good freebies tho, I still have the pair of FTI branded mini binocs

One of my former partners was a member at Wentworth, so we treated some  nice clients to a round there every few months.

One guy we took had the most bizarre swing - he played all  his shots with a reverse grip, like you see a few players do with putts after they’ve had the yips.

Some of the other members were giving us very funny looks.


I thought it was pretty poor, I used to score in the 80s and considered myself a poor player. Although I did play quite a lot, teens and twenties 

Practice some very specific shots so you get them just right

- the little chip up and down from just off the green, usually requiring a bigger backswing than advisable but really getting under it so it goes bobbling in but on your version you lift your head and thin it horrendously and send it skittering over the green into the water leaving a skidmark bigger than the one in your pants on the next shot. 

- the drive off the first when surrounded by the two groups, the starter, club players, caddies, visitors, where you wind up for the biiiig one and catch it just on the outer toe of the driver and flash it at 80 degrees to the intended target and into an old lady’s whazzooo who ia bending over to pick her last shot out of the cup on the 18th

- the putt from the fringe where you scuff it in the half cut and the club never makes contact with the ball and you say the C word loudly

- the seventh shot from the bunker where you still zwang it into the cliff face and it rolls back into the ever deeper Somme-like trench you are digging so you hurl your wedge away in disgust and it bounces off the lip and straight back into your balls

I am as well you know perfectly successful in my professional life, and have also succeeded in finding a life partner and having a family; so that’s me 2-0 you

You sound like someone who does golf for fun which I applaud. Enjoy it. Do not ruin it by hanging out for a day with Colin ‘Shithead’ Brown and Barry ‘Bazzer’ Bitchslap from Grant Waterhouse Forensics only to win the wooden spoon and be derided for what you quite rightly regard as a game for occasional dalliance but they consider a religion. Barry has Tiger Woods’ face tatooed on his penis. 

I only ever did one of these things and I invited clients who were equally crap. We immediately fell to the back of proceedings and had a great time taking the piss out of ourselves and each other. 

When I had a 15 handicap I didn't break 90 that often......

Last time I played . Wentworth since you asked, mid 90s. Was pleased tbqh

Golf is fooking rock hard

“I have been having lessons and in fact have played two rounds in the course of those lessons, scoring in the 90s”

Did you get it through the windmill first time? That’s a sign of a decent player.

Go along and don't be afraid to pick up if you're slowing things down too much.  Nobody cares as long as you don't lose you're temper and spoil the atmosphere 

As anyone who has seen Laz throw a cricket ball will tell you, the man has incredible hand to eye skills. 

30 minutes on the driving range beforehand and you’ll be golden, sun. 


There are loads of other things you’ve been TALKING OF doing for at least 20 years with no prospect of success so why not add another to the list?

There - fixed it for you.

There are 3 courses at Woburn.  All pretty good (I liked the duchess best) but often I’m influenced by how well I played unless I play the course a few times. It’s shit if I was shit!

There are a couple of good schools in London - where five or six lessons would get you straight. The best is Knightsbridge golf school - they truly are the best teachers / coaches - and actually really good value