One of my old teachers is up for being a perv

I'm really not surprised by who it is as we were pretty sure 30 years ago that he and his wife were rather sexually liberated and probably had an open relationship.  It was always a little odd inviting small select groups of boys over for dinner on a Saturday night.

yeah, got an email from the school about a year ago naming 4 priests who "may" have been paedo's... as usual, no prosecutions, they were just sent to different parishes.  One of them was a surprise.  One of them really really wasn't.  "come to my office after rugby and I'll rub deep heat into that injury for you" was his catch phrase.

Rham it was an older kid and a bit of kissing of touching at the teacher's house and based on experience of these things I suspect driven by the parents rather than the pupil himself.  Definitely not a case of ten year olds being locked in a room and beaten for someone's sexual gratification.

Never taught me but I remember my friends doing A-level English being very happy that they saw his wife's pants because she sat on the edge of her desk in a shortish dress.

Shatner there are some very definite cases of grooming but I've also seen some where the pupil has made all the running.  I remember one incident where my school had to fire a young teacher who was found with a 13 year old girl in his room but we all knew that he had done nothing to encourage it and the lovely Lucinda had snuck  up to his room of her own accord.  To be fair she was nearly expelled for it as well.

I had a religious education in the 1980s, met both Fred the Weatherman and Cyril Smith during my school years and my local cricket club junior coach was later imprisoned for noncery committed at the time.  No one ever tried to bum me.  I must have been one fook ugly kid.

Shatner there are some very definite cases of grooming but I've also seen some where the pupil has made all the running.  I remember one incident where my school had to fire a young teacher who was found with a 13 year old girl in his room but we all knew that he had done nothing to encourage it and the lovely Lucinda had snuck  up to his room of her own accord.  To be fair she was nearly expelled for it as well.

Poor lamb.  Did she fall on his penis too, while he was telling her to leave?  Or was he just not capable of saying no to a 13 year old girl?


Pumpkin I believe he was telling her to get the f*ck out and was very much fully clothed.  She had and her friends had been tracked from their dormitory by a teacher as they knew there was a plan afoot and she had only just walked into his room before being apprehended.  The school acknowledged he had done nothing wrong but were too scared of the backlash from parents to not fire him.

Sails, I saw the exact same thing happen with a 15 year old girl and a student teacher.

If this sort of thing didn't happen frequently, The Police song "Don't Stand so close to me" would have had very different lyrics.

the 15 year old I spoke of had a very similar story to your Sails.  she told us on his first week, "I'm going to f him" and she set out to do so.

Eventually, one of her friends told her parents, who told the school and the teacher was quietly asked to leave.

See you don't get that kind of thing in C of E schools.  In mine, two lads got stuck into the communion wine and rogered each other on the altar in the chapel.  No involvement of teachers at all.

Shatner there are some very definite cases of grooming but I've also seen some where the pupil has made all the running.  I remember one incident where my school had to fire a young teacher who was found with a 13 year old girl in his room but we all knew that he had done nothing to encourage it and the lovely Lucinda had snuck  up to his room of her own accord.  To be fair she was nearly expelled for it as well.

did the 13-yo girl break the door down? 

i know a few people who made tilts at teachers quite deliberately.  one of them married the teacher after they left school.


also knew a teacher who had a boy make a play for her and she confessed she was tempted, to which the answer was "WTF do you think you're playing it".  previously she'd been a pretty sensible sort of person.



Is the age of consent still 16? But you can’t consent if you’re the student in a student teacher relationship even if you’re 16? I think the law on this stuff has changed since I was at law school

Sorry can I go back to Sails’ “driven by the parents rather than the pupil himself”?

Do you mean the meet-ups at the teachers house or something else?

Could be pretty dangerous going out on a Saturday night pulling and then shagging your teacher if she was fit.  Monday morning you might be high-5'd to death in the 6th form common room.

I shagged my driving instructor, Michelle.  I passed a week after my 17th birthday and did an intensive course from my birthday.  There was definitely a spark throughout, but nothing happened.  I then met her on a club night out and she took me back to hers.  I was 17 and she was mid 20s so nothing paedy.

No Grieving I meant them driving the prosecution.

Even back in my day in the early 90's I'd have said something if a male teacher starting kissing me.  Similarly one of the female teachers refused to sit on a table at lunch with sixth formers because she didn't like being stared up and chatted up through lunch.

I do wonder if they've finally done away with the daft policy where you get expelled for having sex with a lady who's over the age of consent on school premises but if you're found in your room with another boy nothing happens regardless of their age.

It's a really strange scenario generally. I had an English teacher who I was very fond of ( a man) and he would give me free shirts but I had to try them on in his cupboard with him. It was definitely strange and my mum stopped it

To be clear - nothing happened.

It was just odd and not appropriate.

My thinking was 'well I get changed in front of all my friends and so who cares? Free shirts!' but it wasn't right in retrospect

Exactly prodigal. I am still like 'is that weird?'

I mean he's giving me free stuff but at the same time I'm changing in front of him in his cupboard quite often. I mean a teacher should not really be in a small space like that alone with a 13 year old boy.

But how does anyone police this? You want the kids to be engaged and the teachers to care about the kids. That relationship gets weird sometimes

The guy I'm thinking thinking about wasn't really a nonce. He was a really nice guy.

He was just a bit 'over familiar' with certain students.

I would say a 'nonce adjacent' education is actually the mark of a quality schooling.

“Siri why do English public schools which pay teachers really sh1t money still exist?”

I would say a 'nonce adjacent' education is actually the mark of a quality schooling.

having safeguarding policies where no teacher is alone with pupils except for short and unavoidable periods.

Seems a bit OTT. Very few teachers are nonces. I remember occasionally seeing teachers on their rooms alone to ask for help with something- for example my personal statement or something I was finding tough. Both then and now I’d have found it odd if they’d asked for a chaperone! 

Seems a bit OTT. Very few teachers are nonces

Sometimes the lack of awareness of fundamental safeguarding principles amaze me, particularly in professional people.

Very few people nonce corpses in morgues, but because some people do there are now cameras.


Pretty sure my local corpse noncing hospital has just told outside contractors that they are only allowed access to the areas where they are working and that they have to leave at the end of normal working hours unless it's an emergency as the weird electrician was definitely an outlier.

So Face you're saying that a housemaster in charge of house of 60 boys must now walk round with a chaperone in case he walks into a room and finds only one pupil there?  

These are the minimum standards for boarding schools Sails - you can read them if you're interested and see whether things have moved on since your schooldays (let's hope so!).

Teachers don't have to walk around with a chaperone - but if they're meeting a child one on one they are likely to make sure it's in an open plan room, or with the door open, or at least in a room with a window in the door if they can.  Teachers themselves are generally quite keen on taking these kind of steps to protect themselves from career-ending allegations, aside from anything else.  Colleagues are also likely to face disciplinary proceedings of their own if they see something going on which isn't in accordance with policy - turning a blind eye has consequences, which also makes it harder for abusers to abuse.


Well for starters you can now apparently express a preference for who's in your dormitory which result in teenagers knowing who is the most disliked person in their year.

I'd love to know the definition of well heated and assume it means all day and not just a couple of hours in the morning and evening.

Good quality nutritionally balanced meals are also an improvement.  There goes canned ravioli and toast in the evenings.

A policy on sexual relationships between pupils will certainly have helped with the hypocrisy I mentioned above.

The prevention of bullying will always be a problem as there are so many hours of the day where pupils are not supervised and left to their own devices and I suspect that e-mail and text has made that worse.

Interesting on the access to staff accommodation.  In the sixth form we had evening sessions where we'd go to a teacher's house in a small group to discuss some element of what we were studying and those small sessions were really helpful but guess now they'd just need to move them to an actual classroom.

Training for prefects is helpful but still won't stop the occasional power crazy one being a dick when nobody is looking.

We had CCTV in our mortuaries long before that perv. It doesn’t cover the PM room, where I believe he abused the bodies. 

As you’ll know someone leaked cctv of the footballer Salleh to the media from mortuary cctv so there’s always a downside. 

Having some cameras won’t stop a mortuary nonce. 

YWTF just doesn't do nuance or - and this may bot be quite the phrase to use here - shades of grey. Whatever his position on something, it must be followed through to its logical conclusion utterly ruthlessly and without admission of doubt or ambiguity.