A proper lunch

When was the last time you had a proper midweek lunch when you should have been at work that went on to pints in the evening ?

The sad answer is I cannot recall. Not because it is so frequent that my memory is irreversibly damaged, but because it is so rare. Perhaps not for at least 15 years.

For last 35 years I couldn’t do a boozy lunch and then pints in the evening.

But just after Christmas did a nice lunch with some lawyer mates that carried on with 🍷, port and coffee until mid-evening. 

We do this every year for our Xmas party for my team so 3 months ago. 

But it is planned so not the same. I think the last work lunch that ‘went rogue’ was a 2020 closing lunch that ended up with me waking up on a client’s sofa with neither of us having any  real idea what had happened past about 8pm with a mutual acknowledgment that might be for the best… 

no no no no no no


back in the day (mobile, pre-blackberry era), the BEST boozer for a PFL was a pub that had ABSOLTUELY NO MOBILE PHONE RECEPTION so you couldn't even think about work.


on occasion you'd go back to your desk to retrieve your coat and you'd be a bit early so you'd have to sit at your desk for 30 minutes praying nobody called you/expected you to actually do any work


Sir Woke XR Remainer FBPE MBE07 Mar 24 13:08

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ages ago

how come work has ceased to have any social aspect?





we killed it, through fear and obligation, pressure and conformity. 

Lord Weinstock warned about this.  In the 90s, not long before he died and they absolutely shagged his business to death, he said that the generation below him were making a big mistake eating sandwiches at their desks because lunch out is where you objectivise your own business and decide whether you trust the person your dealing with.  Sandwiches at the desk took the human due diligence out of the equation.

He was right. But the leaders of the 90s were keen to do even better than the madmen of the 80s and drove over all that. Then the noughties brought year upon year of difficult situations and every business had an excuse to ask staff to tighten belts, behave in a more limited manner, do more work for less apparent gain (financial and broader enrichment) work, work, work in the narrow sense and remove the human element in this, and every other, aspect of the job. 

Long lunches definitely gone by the wayside though still happen.

However have been in Great Portland Street and Bank in the last couple of days, mid/late afternoon, and the pubs have been absolutely swarming with office types. The whole alarm bells about work drinks dying seems overblown - I reckon instead of long lunches people are just knocking off early for drinks with colleagues/clients instead.

Noble Rot, Lamb's Conduit Street. Very enjoyable - though wine list on an iPad felt odd.  I like to turn the pages, before going back to something not too eye-watering (price not taste). 

when Laz LLP is fully functioning, it will have a dining room, and a beer fridge, and socialising will be very much encouraged

doubt we’ll have a balcony