Botox 650

Eyebrows were raised at the landlord's decision to offer Botox.

CMS ordered its landlord to take down a beauty display offering Botox and other treatments, which was put up to celebrate International Women's Day.

CMS staff were perplexed to find the beauty treatment stand at the street level of its London building, Cannon Place, to mark a day which seeks to bring attention to issues affecting women, such as gender equality.

Cannon Place has a number of other business occupants, and a source said that the display was arranged by the building's landlord without the firm's knowledge.

As soon as it became aware of the display, it arranged for it to be taken down. The firm made a complaint to the landlord, who apologised, said a source.

Another insider confirmed the stand was taken down "during the course of the day", and that “in full fairness” the Senior Partner, Penelope Warne, sent an email apologising to staff.

It's not the first gaff on International Women's Day -  Withers once offered female staff half-price salad. In a similar vein, Mayer Brown tried to demonstrate its diversity credentials by sharing pictures of a partner posing with a bag of vegetables

Tip Off ROF


Clown’s pocket 17 March 23 08:35

Could have been worse, could have been offering vaginal rejuvenation.  
It’s all the rage.  

FREEDOM AND BEAUTY 17 March 23 08:45

It is very unfair that this information is manipulated when not even half of the article is true.

Anonymous 17 March 23 09:49

"CMS staff were perplexed to find the beauty treatment stand at the street level of its London building, Cannon Place, to mark a day which seeks to bring attention to issues affecting women, such as gender equality."

In fairness, deep-set wrinkles across the brows are an issue that affects women, so this complaint is a bit wide of the mark.

Choices 17 March 23 11:15

Who is their landlord? Hopefully not a client of a firm that is well known as being top tier for real estate...

Anonymous 17 March 23 13:27

Botox is a cosmetic treatment that is commonly used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines on the face. While some people may choose to use Botox as part of their personal beauty routine, it is important to note that beauty freedom means that each person should have the right to make their own choices about their appearance, without judgment or pressure from others.

Anonymous 17 March 23 13:51

@12:38 - "Every day is international men's day"

What about on the International Trans Day Of Acceptance? 

Is that a day for Men or for Trans-Men?

Are Trans-Women excluded?

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