would you be up for living in a utopian city state

where taxes are ultra low and salaries are high but the state only provides emergency services and environmental services (lighting, cleaning, etc)? You would have to pay for everything else yourself and if you couldn't you would have to leave.  Not like the Emirates - there would be no slave labour and corruption would be frowned upon. But it would not be attractive to those who need to take more than the contribute.

This is my dream.

I thought your dreams mostly involved Tunnocks Teacakes the size of a pillow being kept just out of your reach for all eternity by a posh Englishman who is having a lovely refreshing pint of free cold white wine?

This actually was the position in HK under Cowperthwaite and the foundation of its success 

He also managed to rehouse 5 million Chinese fleeing from Communism at the same time