Totes best day out inv for meh.

Friday night: meh gets the riviera express overnight train to penzance.

Saturday: meh gets take to breakfast, lunch and dinner at beautiful places as well as sightseeing whenever she wants in Cornwall.

Saturday night: meh gets the rivera express overnight train to Paddington.

A day with el Tecco.  Nothing can go wrong.


À l'attention de Mademoiselle - nos choix de menu pour le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner. Puissions-nous nous joindre à Monsieur pour recommander particulièrement les rondelles d'oignon infusées à l'héroïne avec un côté de six Aftershocks. Bonne chance.

" "

Anyone else spot the machiavellian bit in the dirty old sea-dog’s plan?

Yep, the Night Riviera does NOT run on a Saturday night.

Poor Meh would be held captive at Tecwith Towers overnight on Saturday...

How many times has everyone else been sick?  I just arrived here, so I reckon I'm low on the leader board, but I still have some recollection, so I can probably bump some threads to get me back up there.

Alas, I have college all day Saturdays. Sad face etc etc.

Also, whilst I appreciate people suggesting potentially catastrophic activities to distract/entertain me, I'm ok. I don't have a free evening until a week on Sunday. And by then I anticipate the following week will be fairly chunky too. I have entered the ok with stuff phase. And I really am. I have some clarity and I'm looking after myself and being good to myself and spending time with good friends and hot men and eating a fookload of cheese. So all the LA/Teclis stuff may be well intentioned but entirely unnecessary.

Meh, you did sort of invite this level of RoF interest / intervention in your dating life by apparently living it virtually minute by minute on the board...

As it happens tecco it is likely I will be down your way in the summer.

Would you be up for a pint or two in Penzance were that to be the case and you happen to be in residence?

If we must, re:penzance being an utter bowel of humanity.  There is only one nice pub there, The Longboat.

The only other pub of note is The Turk and that’s just for the food but it smells oddly of “old person”.

We could always meet there and then I could get my driver to take us somewhere a little more civilised for a pint and a bite.  Details we can work on.

But yes, of course.  Do you have an anon email? I’ve taken to just using my normal one.  I shall furnish you with appropriate telephone numbers etc.

"get my driver to take us somewhere a little more civilised"

You don't have a driver you loon. You have the telephone number of a bored taxi driver who calls you "me lover".

cool - I'll let you know if and when that happens (july most likely)

you already have my nonny and we have previously corresponded briefly on it - imaginatively enough it has the word 'strutter' in it, so a quick search should pick it up, but if not then let me know and i'll send it again

Laz - nah not likely to happen anytime soon sadly.  I do go and turn the engines over from time to time and technically I am allowed to drive, but I really shouldn’t on my current medication regime.