Today's lesson for everyday folk...

Picture if you will dear reader the scene of idyllic domestic bliss, Mrs S is in the kitchen making omelettes for breakfast, whilst I am still in bed carrying out the enormously important task of counting my legs...

Mrs S: Did you get the spring onions ? I can't find them

Me: Yes, they're in the (small veg) basket on the window cill.

Mrs S: Can't see them

I therefore graciously rise, make a mark on the bedpost of the number I had reached whilst counting my legs so I don't forget when I return to continue, I put on my Chinese silk gown, my monogrammed silk slippers and chasse into the kitchen...

Me: They're there *pointing* you f*!*!*! blind b*!*!, granted they're not great (looked a bit off colour really) but they were the only ones they had.

A short pause, and Mrs S turns her beautifully striking countenance towards me with a look that says "oh they're there are they you useless c*!*"

Mrs S: Those are spring onions ? 

Me: Yes, what did you think they were, bananas?

Mrs S: Well eat one then you fat c*!*

And that dear reader is how I today discovered that young garlic is strikingly similar in appearance to spring onions!

(Top Tip, in future look for the purple tinge around the bulb bit. Oh, and perhaps smell them too).