Things you really should have grown out of

but have not.

Me - Southern comfort. Love me a bit of southern comfort.

Also rof.

The occasional pimple

Unwillingness to commit to buying a place

Unwillingness to devote myself to a "career"

Superhero(ine) movies, although I really only go for the "ensemble" ones, with Captain Marvel being the lone exception

Southern Comfort, along with Archers Peach schnapps, is my bogey drink after a couple of sixth form time evenings involving far too much of them.  Nearly 30 years later the smell of either makes me gag.

Cherry brandy is my booze kryptonite.  Turns out downing three quarters of a bottle in the space of two hours when I was 19 has long-lasting consequences.


Also, the smell of tequila nearly always makes me retch.  Vile stuff.

A m7 of mine got lost one particularly drunk night when we were holidaying in France with a group of girls. We found her outside standing in the garden 'between the other bambi's (she meant the deer) because she was such doe-eyed bambi (her words). Ever since that night we call it drinking and standing outside with the deer.

This story doesn't translate well, does it. I guess Wang's m6 Dave would have done better.

I haven't grown out of chocolate buttons.

It took many years but I can now sniff Southern Comfort without retching but 25 years later can't even look at a bottle of Cinzano without feeling nauseous.

What on earth are Space Raiders?  Are you talking about the crisps? 


in which case, you are never too old for them.  Or for pickled onion flavour Monster Munch, for that matter.

I still have the childish habit of binge reading or tv . Even few months I will completely crater a week through this daft habit.

oh and I recently reacquainted myself with  flying saucers at a recent party