Things that annoy me....

My usual PA is on holiday so I asked another PA to sort something out for me which is now back from the printers. Just sitting on her desk...... 

Yes I could go over there and get it myself but that’s not the point. 



Humblebrag, surely - I have a PA and a spare PA when the first one's away...

I also have a PA. It's circa 1200w with a 16 channel mixing desk, outboard compressor, EQ and reverb units, foldback, mics & stands. It NEVER goes away. 

Bungle I think that applies to most people in a professional services firm so hardly a humblebrag.  I have a couple of PA's who help me out when my usual one is away.

One PA per professional... in this economy? Madness.

At my firm in London we shared 1 PA between about 5 of us... our billables were such that we could easily have afforded 1 each, and a valet, cordwainer, milliner etc. The partners even owned the building. PEP must have been astronomical. Yes. I probably got shafted. Such is law.

Although it was a different world in investment banking & offshore, I admit. It's a business that just shits money, frankly. Moving to law was a mistake. Don't do it, kids.

There's no going back, Clergs. For various reasons.

1. GFC ruined it. And consequently that industry is now inclined towards monetary constipation.

2. It was a horrible place to work too, but for different reasons. You're treated badly in different ways, and the people are just awful, awful human beings. Next time you're in Canary Wharf, walk through that bizarre underground shopping centre and look at the people there. Their souls have been removed with rusty harpoons.

3. I'm actually really enjoying what I'm doing now. It's law stuff without billables. I get to tell lawyers what to do (and what not to do), which is a lovely sort of karmic justice. And the firm does good things. I rarely have to deal with accountants, and when I do they're actually normal people, rather than satanic number imps determined to ruin every transaction, especially the big cross-border ones. People I don't know say a cheery hello to me and know my name and don't appear on the surface to have an ulterior motive. And tomorrow, I get to go get external advice in some fancy metal and glass bedecked offices at the top of a high rise when I already know the answer and am just going to get a piece of paper so I can rely on their professional indemnity. It's no risk, high reward and it's beautiful. And I think I'm going to take Friday off. Just because....

4. You don't go back. Never go back.

I briefly worked with investment bankers and they are genuinely unpleasant people.  I'm still amazed by one who greeted me at an alumni drinks for our old team like a long lost friend despite being one of the reasons that I was alumnus in the first place.