Step by Step Guide to Getting Laid

Step 1: breathe near phoebe

The end. 

Nah not a clue who she is, what she does or if shes even promiscuous, this is just a summary of my thesis on phoebes love life from the many threads of her discussing the subject, i call it a.....phesis

are you that incel guy who buys bottles of piss from girls and has developed a weird thrill around being spoken to by girls, the one who has this theory that their words are going inside him so he has a bit of them inside him? same reason he likes girls with bad breath?

cause you kinda sound like that guy

Two dates, which means youre not completely hideous, but just sounds like you had absolutely zero game so she tested the snog and it was sexless and led to the murder of anything further 

Props on not being hideous though