Scrap GMT

Does anyone actually want the clocks to go forward an hour in winter?

canadian m7, in simplistic terms the earth rotates round the sun irregularly, sort of like a person doing the hoola

now the earth then rotates on its own axis, which isn’t exactly perpendicular to the notional rotation plate of the earth round the sun. however, it is actually (just about) fixed in angle, so that means that when we r one side of the sun we r always further away from it on a spot in the northern hemisphere than when we r the other side of the sun. and vice versa if u pick a spot in the southern hemisphere 

now the rotation of the earth on its axis equals one day, with the part of the earth exposed to the sun being “daylight” and the other part “night”, and they rotate through

due to the rotation around the sun and the axis describe above, when a point on earth is further away from the sun, it will get less daylight

such rotation is disconnected to the time of day designated by humankind. how we record time is a man-made construct.

so u see we would get exactly the same amount of daylight, irrespective of the notional time we choose to ascribe to it

There are indeed 24 hours in a day, for ‘day’ used in that sense.

But ‘day’ is also used to describe the period between sunrise and sunset, in contrast to the period called night between sunset and sunrise.

Point of order Guy- they fall back in Autumn and spring forward in spring.

I'd keep BST going for the period October-April and then have 'double-BST' from May-September.

That way we can make even more of the light summer mornings and you could be still out playing golf/cricket socialising etc up to 11pm in high summer.