NQ Jobs

How easy is it to move firms on qualification?


Currently training at a decent city firm (top 30) with a good name in the market.


Thinking about leaving on qualification (more £). 


Best way to go about this? 

You’re an nq, there isn’t much science to it unless you’re clear where you want to go and it doesn’t sound like you are. Just draft a good cv (this skill is seemingly beyond the vast majority of lawyers) and get it to the recruiters. 

However in an attempt to provide more helpful advice


£ should not be the primary motivator here as you are at the outset of your career so there are lots of factors - what area do you want to qualify into?  

If you're any good then you wont need to apply, the head hunters will be tapping you up. In fact if they are not already doing so then you may as well write off your career now.


(What archie said para 2)

Delta I would have to disagree here in that no headhunter is going to know much about what a trainee has been up to and visibility online varies enormously, they will just be getting in touch with NQs more generally..therefore:


1. Pimp your linkedin - do not underestimate the increasing value of doing this

2. If you are seriously keen then reach out to 5+ recruiters and assume out of 5 calls you will find one that actually knows what they are talking about.