Mosque massacre in NZ
Anonymous (not verified) 15 Mar 19 03:31
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I mean seriously, can't we leave vicious hate crimes to northern hemisphere loonies?



Pretty sure if you drew a line from Southern Somalia across to Gabon you'd find a fair share of violent religious nutters below it.

fooking grim event. Hope they hang the fookers.

They made a concerted effort to do this to the Parkland shooting killer. I totally agree 


there seems to be a twitter trend going on to block / report people showing images or footage - good idea 

I’m resigned to the fact that racial and religious hatred will never die and the day I am buried some poor fookers will will be massacred somewhere in the world and it will just go on and on for as long as man needs someone to blame for his woes.  

I am waiting for Trump's tweet on this.


I think he will blame the Chinese, the martians, the muslims, the aliens and possibly even the toads in a pond except the guy with the weapon.