Marie Kondo

Totally obsessing about this and want to apply it to Dusty Towers...anyone else watched it? I have the book but it got quickly nicked by my mother before I had even cracked it open.

I am going to do it in stages across weeks - will do clothes/drawers this week. Quite excited. Had a bit of a moment last night where I made us clear out tons of DVDs we don't want anymore and ended up with two carrier bags full of them. Eek.

I'm not familiar with this person but I assume it's about de-cluttering.

I have taken a deeper lesson in how NOT to live having spent the last 3 months of weekends (and seemingly no end in sight) trying to clear out 50 years worth of accumulated clutter from my in-laws' two storey house. They are of a generation who threw nothing away. They are not hoarders in the sense of heaping crap floor to ceiling, but every single square cm of cupboard and drawer and shed space is choc-a-block with neatly stacked stuff of the ages. "Hidden hoarders" if you will.  

I'm a minimalist and thought I did a good job at regularly clearing out my home's robes, cupboards and drawers, yet I just spent the last week clearing out vases, crockery, gifts I have never used (including electrical appliances) linen, clothes and shoes - and still don't know how this shit accumulates! I'm yet to attack the CD collection and *yelp* old (pre digital storage) photos.

It is a great feeling divesting yourself of excess stuff, and my new rule is to be vey, very strict about what I buy from now on. Will this end up Sale, Salvos or Skip?

I tried the Netflix but it wasn't for me;


- thanking the items before you carefully threw them away

- getting rid of books if they don't bring you joy

- organising kitchen utensils by height rather than by use


I do need to sort through all my gym clothing though, I just collect more and more free t-shirts but never throw any out

Girkl - yes, it is. She has a very defined process about how to do it, which I quite like.

Bam - the key thing is to not have kids, I suspect. Still undecided with Mr D. We quite like snoozing and having weekends to ourselves. Don't particularly wish to upend that.

Dusto if that's your concern the sleepless stuff doesn't last too long at all. 

They are really fooking fun to have and if you time it all so you've got mates going through it all at the same time it's brilliant. 

However I can also see the benefits to not having any. So whatever you choose you'll be happy just remember not to dwell on the alternative later in life 

I don't think I will. Tbh, a friend very sincerely told me to just enjoy being married for a bit and not to worry about it. If you're unsure re kids, then you're not ready to even think about it, so just carry on as you are. I can imagine you are a hilarious Dad, having met you a couple of times.

If we don't then we will be a fantastic aunt and uncle to four lovely kids instead. And we'll get a dog.

You just described my life Dusty - we are aunts and uncles to 4 and great-aunt and great-uncle to 1. And we have the best dog who ever lived :)

We never regretted our choice to be child free. I have family and friends who had a wonderful time raising wonderful kids. I have also seen all sorts of things go wrong with others, including sick children and kids with autism/aspergers. Not to mention separation and the impact that has on kids, no matter how "amicable."

It's a lottery we chose not to play.

And we have the best dog who ever lived

She is beoooootiful. And you know how much we love our furbabies, too.

I agree with you - it's the road you decide not to travel. I have told Mr D that we need to do stuff like have the gap year neither of us ever took and also to move to another country for a bit so we make the most of the life we have decided to have instead of doing it with children. I find those plans more exciting than the idea of sprogging up, tbh.

I watched the Netflix.. and I am through clothes and books... I have already identified 3 pieces of furniture which will be thrown out. 

Shoes are next. 

The maids are coming on Friday to pick everything.

I haven't gotten into the whole specific folding thing yet. 

I marie kondo'd Red's stuff. No doubt to make space for moar stuff. Clothes  (red and me) next. Mr Woo doesn't want to do his stuff. I've put him on a strict one out/one in regime.

Hate the TV series, I can't bear the wastefulness of those houses full of expensive junk. ( Obvious exemption from my judginess for the woman who wanted moral support to sort her late husband's stuff.)

Liked the book but that is probably because I reached it after four successive declutterings to rent out my house while working abroad, a further radical clear to put the house up for sale, and a final winnowing of stuff that didn't make the cut to be moved into my current place. Also en route I had been executor with responsibility for clearing my kind old aunt's house, like monkeygirkl, and also moved country for a year taking only what household stuff fitted into a sports car (one favourite kitchen knife, one favourite v light duvet etc). So I was already converted and was reading it recreationally.