Lineker's anti-Brexit rants

He comes across as a bit unhinged.

He also thinks he's desperately cool when he's not.

And one of his tweets simply read: "absolute state of our politics..."

Gary Lineker = Roll On Friday's cookie AICM £5

He has the advantage of being right though, which you don't.

God, imagine having had the benefit of an expensive education like Dux, and still failing to be more intelligent and articulate than a football player turned pundit? Football is such a "state school" kind of sport, as well. How embarrassing.

as a rofer familiar with dux' work I already knew prior to the 2016 referendum that british private education does not guarantee anything except that the pupil will have picked up some latin

Dux, hun, you don't get to call someone else an ignoramus. You just don't.

It's not possible to be more of an ignoramus than you without being actually brain damaged (and those people get a free pass). What's your excuse?


"Ok, but I reckon Lineker does"

He makes "amusing" walkers crisps ads and makes po faced tweets about politics - he is not going for "cool".  He was never cool as footballer either - the good boy of English football.