Laws I can't believe still exist...

Vagrancy legislation.

How can a civilised society criminalize the social tragedy of homelessness?

How can we still have vagrancy legislation?



whilst homelessness is obviously a tragedy and far more should be done to address it, the legislation is presumably needed because it empowers the authorities to deal with the inevitable antisocial behaviour of many homeless people who, unfortunately, often have significant dependency problems. 

It's because Parliament keeps making laws but nobody ever has a look through the statute book to see what's there that is no longer relevant.  Should have a one in one out system when it comes to law making to tidy things up.

the antisocial behaviour is dealt with by.... the tonnes of other anti-social behaviour legislation we've enacted in the last 20 years.

The act of being homeless is itself an offence.


Some of them choose not to go into a hostel though and then cause toruble on the streets (and some on the streets have lovely homes and just come out to bed but that's a separate issue)

I assume Lydia meant beg not bed and isn't suggesting that they live in their houses during the day and then sleep in piss soaked doorways at night.  Although nothing would surprise me frankly.

Lydia, have you seen many of the hostels?  Do you know how awful they are cooping up people with drink drug and mental problems together for the night?  Hardly suprising many people prefer the street.

It is beyond  my understanding why, at relatively low cost the government does not just build sufficient single bed basic lockable rooms to house anyone in an emergency