If we killed everyone over 60...

...and redistributed their wealth things would be good, wouldn't they?

There is obviously a bit of a moral issue but if it was to become the law then, based on the past year, the population of the UK would accept it. They would accept it once scientists, actually economists, demonstrate that models show it is better for the country as a whole.

Some will argue that the world's creative repository would be destroyed... ...I think they undersell the explosive inventiveness of today's younger generations.

It's true some will miss their older relations... ...but lets face it this will be short lived. Once the bank balance starts to fill and the money from the sale of the various parental houses starts to filter down this attitude will dissolve. 

Let's also think about 'focus'... ...knowing you will only be on this earth until your 60th birthday will act as a catalyst to all the old farts who thought they would dribble on until a natural death occurred. The incentive to get things done will be amazing...

In short, fooking about looking after the old virus magnets is putting an unbearable strain on us all. Sometimes we need to employ a 'good selfishness'... ...kill the over 60s, protect the NHS and put the heartbeat back in the UK.

OK, it's the practical aspect isn't it?

Look, I don't for a moment expect each of us to have a designated elder to dispatch... ...no, no, no. We have unemployed people gagging for a new skill...

People can be convinced of anything.

Remember that lot who were found dead with their bollocks chopped off, all wearing black Nike trainers, with the space ship fare in the pocket of their trackies.

Those people were no different to you or I 

Dear Fluffy, hope you are making plans for your own funeral which can't be so far away now. It would be a great shame if the 'big' date crept up on you before you were ready.....

Or there's another way: how about killing everyone under 60?!  That way the human population would soon die out and the earth's eco-system could return to being like it was not so many years ago and the planet would be saved!

In the meantime those over 60 could feel happy in knowing that they will soon be gone and in the meantime they could use as many plastic bags a they likes and indulge in as many other environmentallly bad habits as they wished in the secure knowledge that in the long run their minor actions would have little overall effect on the long term well-being of the planet. 

Also we really need to legalise euthanasia.

I’ve got absolutely no interest in being over 80. 

I don’t care if they "could" be good years, I’d prefer not to bother finding out.

By 80 I’ve done my bit, lived my life, had some good years of retirement, met my grandkids and had time with them. Ready to tap out and pass on my things to my son without becoming a drain on everyone’s life and remembering all the things I used to be able to do but now cant because I’m old.