The Friday Wang Challenge
Wang's Upon a Time 11 Jan 19 14:21
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Today I take inspiration from roffer du temps perdu The Skiver, who used to run a blog called "you called your kid WHAT?".

Further inspiration was taken from a thread yesterday but I forget which thread.

The task is simple - posters must post a harmless name of a child born to them or their acquaintances.

Other posters must link the name to a serial killer, murderer or connection to the same (ie victim, pathologist etc.)

I will award 5 points for a serial killer, 3 for a murderer and 2 for connected.

as ever, the judge's decision is final and tb announced at 5.

I will start you off: 


Wang, totes not as funny as you used to be.

Barmaid I massively wanted to fook recently disclosed her name as Megan.  Also the name of my goddaughter.  Absolutely ruined that particular masturbation fantasy.