Dogs, parks, and Rape Cultre

This is worth a read if you can find it. But in essence, dogs parks “become rape-condoning spaces in which human rape culture plays out by the moral permissiveness we extend to animals.”

You know this paper was meant as a wind-up, which succeeded in making the editors of the peer reviewed journal in which it was published look like fools right?


There's a clip of the authors on Youtube somewhere, taken on the phone when they find out their paper's been accepted. It's hilarious. 

disappointed that someone would abuse academic journals in such a trivial way on a very serious subject

presumably the work is facetious or fraudulent, but the thesis statement seems entirely plausible

Oh, sweet baby non-existent Jesus, is that even a thing? I had no idea.

I may be alone in not finding Jennifer Lawrence even remotely attractive. She leaves no impression on me, like some kind of android trying to be human.