The compelling alternative put forward by Rees-Mogg and his merry band of arsonists

The country may not deserve prime minister Corbyn but they do....

Corbyn topping the polls at 4-1 to be next PM ahead of Bojo, Raab and Davis

I’ve said before to let it all burn.  If people were so stupid as to write the longest and most boring economic suicide note in history then they deserve a lunatic like Corbyn in charge.

Corbyn being in charge would give these parasites the perfect face-saving excuse they needed to flex their new passports and follow their businesses to other EU countries. 

Could they replace him with someone else?


How strange it is to long for the heady days of Gordon Brown...


I know they say that countries get the leadership they deserve, but honestly.  We're not that bad are we?

Jacob Rees-Mogg arriving at ERG is asked if he has submitted a letter of no confidence in Theresa May, and replies: “Scribble, scribble Mr Gibbon”

How the fook do these people end up this way? They are just human waste products. 

I wish someone would push Jacob Rees Mogg in front of a fast bus. Is it a crime to wish that? I wish it. I think it's wishibg the pushing of shit Hitler in front of a bus at this stage.

The only way for JC to look like PM material is to stand firm on Labour's vision for Brexit and how that may be achieved. To date I still don't know what that vision is.

Joining calls for another ref will make him look like the opportunist his acolytes always tell us he isn't.

In JRM's ideal world, no one would be hit by a bus because there would be a man carrying a red flag walking in front of it to warn people of the approach of these self propelled carriages.

The idea that we have to surrender some sovereignty to get some benefits is as old as modern political theory; it's Locke's account of the state. And yet MPs don't seem to grasp that what's true of individuals can be true of nations-states too.

Fred, too right.

corbyn has drafted his six tests for any deal. It would be worth having a GE just to see what weird and wonderful scheme he has in mind to meet them and have it accepted by Barnier.