British people dont care a toss about coronavirus
Anonymous (not verified) 18 Feb 20 10:07
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Do they?

99.9% of people are just going about their business as usual, no face masks, no handkerchiefs when sneezing, not covering their mouths when they cough etc. Just carrying on as normal.

Is that because coronavirus isnt actually a threat at all or is it virusdoom fatigue after h5n1, swine flu, sars, ebola, zika etc?

fatigue and that they have to carry on with their lives as they will be sacked. 

but I am sure the government will spin this as....brave british people carried on and showed the virus that we will not change our way of life

OP - the facts you describe don't demonstrate that Britons aren't concerned, they demonstrate that they're not yet acting like the virus is at large here. And with good reason: it isn't.

I think people informed themselves about the virus and the outbreak, when they first appeared in the news, to the same extent British people inform themselves about other news stories. But the fact is that over the last 2wks the news has not got significantly worse or more threatening for Europeans than it was back at the start of Feb. There has been some limited community transmission in HK, Singapore, Vietnam, but mostly the outbreak has remained confined not merely to mainland China, but also to Hubei. What more is there that you want people on the other side of the world to be thinking, saying or doing at this point in time?

I'm pretty sure more people have died from flu in the UK since the "outbreak" of Coronavirus.

Do masks even help particularly? Doctors don't recommend that people walk round wearing masks to avoid contracting viruses. They recommend washing your hands, mostly.

As I said on your other thread I'm relaxed as I had to come to terms with my dad's mortality some years ago and he'll die in the next three years anyway so does it really matter if it's wu-flu this year or regular flu next year?

Nobody is “predicting” 400,000 deaths, they’re saying that’s what a mass outbreak on the largest scale might cause. That’s not the same as saying it is going to happen. 

If the disease is “here already” then it is only just so. Superspreader Steve and his merry band of terribly middle class early adopters are all out of hospital. Indeed I think the only person still with a confirmed case of it anywhere in the U.K. is the lady who rocked up to Lewisham DGH in an Uber? And she had almost literally just got off a flight from China so she hadn’t been mingling that much. 

"9.9% of people are just going about their business as usual, no face masks"

ffs - you know that the face masks do not stop the spread of the virus don't you? 


Please get some facts. 

it might help you avoid looking dumb. 


My understanding is that the masks have at best a very marginal benefit in terms of protecting the wearer, so I don’t think there is any reason to want people to wear them en masse.

The question then is why dentists need to wear them! Is it to protect patients from the dentists?

I believe people have panic bought them to wear if it looks like it's spreading fast.

Laz those surgical masks are better at stopping you infecting others than stopping the wearer catching anything and that's why dentists and surgeons wear them.

It seems to all be media-bollox, tbh.

It's no worse than any other strain of flu and it was a quiet news day so the meedjia decided to make play and have fun and boost hits.

Outside of Wuhan, obv. Hopefully the vast majority of Chinese people will wise up from this and take appropriate action given they currently have a very rare worldwide stage to do so instead of continuing to take it up the ass from Beijing. Last time this happened they let the tank guy get everyone else ready to go then shut the fvck up. Quite frankly if they don't take this opportunity with the world watching them and world media ready to go then they can shut up from now on.