been to some comedy theatre yesterday - brits are getting mocked

ha ha, the penny has dropped around these parts

there was a character, a brexit refugee and plenty of fun around the british and their attitudes

everybody laughed hard

A German joke:

A man goes to the doctor and says, ‘Doctor, I poop every morning at seven. What should I do?’. The doctor tells him not to worry, that most people would love to be that regular.

‘But wait’, the man says, ‘I wake up at 7:30….’

anyway, the play as far as the british character was concerned, culminated in hm - wearing sherlock holmes attire and holding a magnifier -  ends up having drunk sechs with an underage girl with a teddy bear in a tent

Not so much comedy as what is the most abhorrent thing we can have a brit do to make them a thing for cruel mockery and demonization. I know lets make the brit a paedo.