Another butthurt for Trump on his last full day as president
PerfidiousPorpoise 19 Jan 21 21:47
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"A federal appeals court on Tuesday struck down the Trump administration’s plan to relax restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions from power plants, paving the way for President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. to enact new and stronger restrictions on power plants.

The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia called the Trump administration’s Affordable Clean Energy rule a “fundamental misconstruction” of the nation’s environmental laws, devised through a “tortured series of misreadings” of legal statute."

It would set a bad precedent.  All presidents do this, you can find numbers online.  There are 2 that I particularly recall, Ford on Nixon and Clinton on Rich.

Yeah if a president can undo a previous presidents pardons, I'm sure Trump would have tried it already.

Would be a very dangerous precedent of course. 

That said the whole concept of pardoning is stupid, as discussed before on here!

Biden should just immediately unpardon anyone trump pardons, by exec order

yeah it probably doesn’t work constitutionally, but you’d have to take that to the Supreme Court