In a developing story which will send shockwaves through the Magic Circle, RollOnFriday can reveal that a partner at Howard Kennedy has successfully recovered hundreds of pounds from Freshfields after leaving his jacket in one of their meeting rooms.

Michael Harris realised that he had forgotten his anorak - an elegant North Face item - when he was leaving Freshfields' office after a meeting. Matters took a serious turn however when reception was unable to locate it for him. Not only did this leave Harris a bit chilly, but he had to call someone out to help get into his car - as he had left his keys in his jacket pocket.

Amongst the turmoil that followed, there is some dispute as to who said what. A spokeswoman for Howard Kennedy initially claimed that Harris had only written to Freshfields once, that he had not actually asked for any money but that everyone at Freshfields was "extremely helpful" and "when he wrote to thank them they kindly offered to reimburse him for a replacement jacket and keys". Which seems slightly odd as Harris himself subsequently confirmed that he had engaged in a chain of corrrespondence with Freshfields, had set out his loss and had told the firm that "in the circumstances I thought it was reasonable for them to reimburse me".

    Cost of jacket: £200

A partner throwing his toys out of his pram with one of the biggest firms in the world: priceless

A spokesman for Freshields said that the firm had compensated Harris as a "gesture of goodwill". A spokesman for North Face said that middle-aged law firm partners arguing over car keys and meeting liability issues wasn't really the brand image they were aiming for (or they probably would have said that if RollOnFriday had asked them).

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